Agenda item

Planning Applications

To see Letters of Representation and further supplementary information relating to any of the Applications on the agenda, please select the following link and enter the relevant Planning Reference number:





The Committee considered the details of the planning applications prepared by the Planning Case Officers as presented in the agenda papers, and considered also the comments of Town and Parish Councils together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda reports, and RESOLVED that:


a)     3628/17/FUL      Oak Tree Field at SX 778 588, Tristford Road, Harberton

Parish:  Harberton

Erection of 12 dwellings, workshop/office, associated landscaping and site development works


Case Officer Update:          Devon County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority had submitted an objection, but this had now been withdrawn subject to the inclusion of three pre-commencement conditions                 


Speakers included:              Objector – Mr Stanley Oldfield: Supporter – Mr Nick Williams:  Parish Council – Cllr Ginny Davison;   Ward Member – Cllr Tucker


Recommendation:             Refusal       


During debate, a number of Members commented on the need for housing schemes of this type, and the importance of community led schemes being brought forward.  Whilst the comments of the Highways Officer were accepted, the majority of Members had attended the site inspection and seen the junction for themselves, Members overriding view was that the small number of additional vehicle movements arising from the development would not result in an adverse impact on Highways safety.  In addition, Members were aware that any development within the village would have a similar impact on highways matters. In reaching their decision, Members took account of the support of the parish council.  Finally, Members took the view that the contribution requested by Devon County Council towards education provision should be significantly reduced or removed entirely, as the contribution should not be applied to affordable homes.


Committee Decision:         Delegate to Head of Development Management Practice (HoP), in conjunction with Chairman to conditionally grant planning permission, subject to a Section 106 legal obligation.


However, in the event that the Section 106 legal Agreement remains unsigned six months after this resolution, that the application is reviewed by the HoP, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, and if no progress is being made delegated authority is given to the HoP to refuse the application in the absence of an agreed S106 Agreement.




1.     The benefits of the scheme outweigh the highways objection and it is not considered such an inacceptable impact on highway safety.

2.     Harberton has been identified as a Sustainable Village within the JLP with an indicative figure of 20 dwellings, and any development in and around the village will have some impact on the highway.



b)     3262/18/FUL      Lyndale, Onslow Road, Salcombe

Parish:  Salcombe


Proposed residential development of two detached dwellings on vacant land.  Revised scheme submission of refused application for three dwellings ref 1240/16/FUL


Case Officer Update:          An additional condition would be added for a Construction Management Plan


Speakers included:              Objector – Mr Robert Smith: Supporter – Mr Nigel Keen:  Town Council – Cllr Mike Fice;   Ward Members – Cllr Wright (statement read) and Cllr Pearce


Recommendation:             Conditional Approval


During debate, a number of Members raised concerns over the proposal, echoing some of the reasons for refusal of the previous application.  Having visited the site, there were also concerns over the stability of the land, and the impact of construction on a steep site where a report confirming that it would be safe to do so had not been received.  Members raised issues over the parking arrangements and the safety of vehicles crossing a pavement, but the Highways Officer confirmed that this was in line with the ‘Manual for Streets’.  Finally, Members were of the view that, whilst the design was good, it was not in the right location and would be out of keeping in this street, having an adverse impact on the street scene.


Committee Decision:         Refusal




1.     The proposed development, by reason of its siting, height, scale and massing, will have an overbearing and dominant impact upon no.s 9 and 10 Knowle Road, and will cause an increased sense of enclosure, loss of privacy bioth direct and perceived and a loss of natural daylight to the rear garden areas and rear elevations of these properties.  The proposals are contrary to Policy DP3 (Residential Amenity) of the Development Policies DPD and Paragraph 127 of the NPPF and Policy Dev 1 of the emerging Joint Local Plan.


2.     The proposed development, due to its siting being closer to the highway than other properties in the area, its design and external appearance, will have a negative impact upon the streetscene (Onslow Road) and local visual amenity of the area which is within the South Devon AONB, and which fails to positively respond to local townscape, and landscape character contrary to policies DP1 (High Quality Design) of the Development Policies DPD, paragraph 127 of the NPPF and Policy DEV 10 of the emerging JLP



c)     3838/18/FUL      St Valery, Herbert Road, Salcombe

Parish:  Salcombe


Extension and alterations to existing dwelling to create two separate dwellings


Case Officer Update:          None


Speakers included:              Supporter – Mr David Sims Stirling:  Town Council – Cllr Mike Fice;   Ward Member – Cllr Pearce



Recommendation:             Conditional Approval


Committee Decision:         Conditional Approval





1.     Time limit

2.     Accord with Plans

3.     Surface water drainage scheme

4.     Removal of PD rights (A, B, C and E)

5.     Access altered, laid and surfaced prior to occupation

6.     Obscure glazing NE and SW elevations

7.     Construction Management Plan



Supporting documents: