Agenda item

Planning Applications

To see Letters of Representation and further supplementary information relating to any of the Applications on the agenda, please select the following link and enter the relevant Planning Reference number:




The Committee considered the details of the planning applications prepared by the Planning Case Officers as presented in the agenda papers, and considered also the comments of Town and Parish Councils together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda reports, and RESOLVED that:



a)     2075/18/FUL      18 Bridgetown, Totnes

Parish:  Totnes


Conversion of B1 office to C3 residential including demolition of modern extensions to listed building.  Erection of detached dwelling to rear garden of property


Case Officer Update:             None


Speakers included:                 Objector – Mrs Lucy Ferrier: Supporter – Mr Eric Davis:   Ward Members – Cllrs Birch, Green and Vint


Recommendation:                Conditional Approval


Members had a lengthy debate on this application, and had particular concerns regarding the lack of a rear entrance to the property and the resulting impact on residents having to walk some distance to carry rubbish to their bins.  Members said the site visit had been valuable to understand the relationship between the existing building and the proposed development.  Members sought further advice from the Heritage Specialist concerning the need to have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building and its setting and he explained that the application was not perfect, but that the proposal sought to preserve the heritage aspects of the building as much as possible was an important factor to take into account.  He went on to say that the setting of the proposal had been the subject of many discussions and that, compared with the existing dwelling and poor extensions, this proposal was an enhancement that would not cause harm.


Committee Decision:            Refusal



Impact on residential amenity of distance to bins and vehicles

Lack of rear access results in inadequate living conditions



b)     2076/18/FUL      18 Bridgetown, Totnes

Parish:  Totnes


Listed Building Consent for conversion of B1 office to C3 residential including demolition of modern extensions to listed building.  Erection of detached dwelling to rear garden of property


Case Officer Update: None


Speakers included:     Objector – Mrs Lucy Ferrier: Supporter – Mr Eric Davis:  Ward Members – Cllrs Birch, Green and Vint


Recommendation:    Conditional Approval


Committee Decision:            Conditional Approval



1.     Time limit

2.     Accord with plans

3.     Material details / samples

4.     Joinery schedule

5.     Schedule of works, including services and changes to meet building      regulations

6.     New build details (eaves, sills etc)



c)     0087/18/FUL      Site of Former Workshop, Gould Road, Salcombe

                                    Parish:  Salcombe


Erection of building containing a ground floor marine maintenance unit (B1) with two dwellings above


Case Officer Update: None


Speakers included:     Supporter – Mr Tony Instrall: Town Council Representative – Cllr Mike Fice:  local Ward Members – Cllrs Pearce and Wright


Recommendation:    Delegate to COP Lead Development Management, in conjunction with Chairman of the Committee, to conditionally grant planning permission subject to a section 106 legal obligation.


However, in the event that the s106 legal agreement remains unsigned six months after this resolution, that the application is reviewed by the COP Lead Development Management in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, and if no progress is being made, delegated authority is given to the COP Lead to refuse the application in the absence of an agreed s106 legal agreement.



Committee Decision:            Delegate to COP Lead Development Management, in conjunction with Chairman of the Committee, to conditionally grant planning permission subject to a section 106 legal obligation.


However, in the event that the s106 legal agreement remains unsigned six months after this resolution, that the application is reviewed by the COP Lead Development Management in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, and if no progress is being made, delegated authority is given to the COP Lead to refuse the application in the absence of an agreed s106 legal agreement.



1. Std time

2. Accords with plans

3. Universal condition for contamination and Verification report

4. Unsuspected contamination

5. Flood evacuation plan to be agreed and implemented prior to first occupation

6. Development to take place strictly in accordance with FRA

7. The drainage scheme shall be installed in strict accordance with the approved plans, maintained and retained in accordance with the agreed details for the life of the development

8. Hard and soft landscaping scheme, including boundary treatments to be agreed, implemented and maintained in accordance with agreed maintenance schedule

9. CEMP – to include construction phase measures to avoid, reduce and mitigate accidental spillages, storage of materials etc

10. Visibility splays to be provided and retained in accordance with approved drawings

11. Commercial vehicle loading area to be kept free from obstruction at all times, other than when in use for commercial loading

12. Details of the oil interceptor proposed in the drainage scheme to prevent pollutants from entering the estuary shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority

13. No chemicals shall be stored outside of any of the buildings hereby approved at any time

14. Stone panel to be approved

15. Material details and samples to be agreed

16. Parking and turning areas to be provided and retained

17. Removal of PD – c/use from B1 to C3

18. Details of measures to ensure internal noise levels of the development are adequate in accordance with BS8233:2014

19. Details of any external plant such as extraction/ventilation units





d)     2852/18/FUL      The Old Rocket House, East Prawle, Kingsbridge

Parish:  Chivelstone


Conversion of Domestic Garage to Single Dwelling


Case Officer Update: Receipt of a late letter that raised issues of land ownership which was not a planning matter


Speakers included:     Supporter – Mr Richard Boyt: local Ward Member – Cllr Brazil


Recommendation:    Conditional Approval


Committee Decision:Conditional Approval



1. Time limit

2. Accord with plans

3. Slate roof to re-use existing slate where possible and match any new to the existing

4. Sample of weather boarding and door and windows.

5. Parking spaces shall be retained in use as parking spaces

6. No lighting

7. Unexpected contamination

8. Boundary treatment

9. Notwithstanding the plans, prior to commencement detailed drawings of the   dormer to be submitted and approved.




e)    1772/18/OPA     Highlands, Chittleburn Hill, Brixton

Parish:  Brixton


Outline application with all matters reserved for construction of single storey dwelling


Case Officer Update: None


Speakers included:   Supporter – Mr Hepper: local Ward Member – Cllr Brown


Recommendation:    Refusal


During discussion, Members generally accepted the reasons for the case officer recommendation, but noted that it was for Members to make the decision and in this particular instance, and swayed by the lack of objection from the local parish council, and following a site inspection, Members did not agree that the proposal was isolated, noted the bus stops and nearby shops, and the footpath into the village of Brixton.  The majority of Members were supportive of the proposal.


Committee Decision:            Conditional Approval, with conditions to be delegated to COP Lead DM in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee and the local Ward Members



The proposal was not isolated, and was near the village, commercial premises, bus stops and footpath.


Supporting documents: