Agenda item

Update on Transformation Programme T18

To consider a verbal update on the Transformation Programme



*O&S(I) 6       

The Executive Director (Service Delivery and Commercial Services) provided a verbal progress update on the Transformation Programme.


In the ensuing debate, specific reference was made to:-


-         the main recent focus being on ensuring that the organisational structure was in place.  In particular, it was noted that Phase 1(b) of the recruitment process had just gone live on 1 June 2015 and the number of posts on the combined establishments had been reduced by 110 (reducing the staffing budget by 25%). 


Since the new technology was not in place yet, there was a huge pressure on staff and Members were asked to not under estimate the impact that this was having on staff.  However, the Executive Directors wished to put on record their gratitude at the resilience and work rate of members of staff, who were responding amazingly.  Nonetheless, the Committee was informed that the next three months would be difficult for the Council, as it was currently entering the most uncomfortable phase of the Programme.  However, officers reassured the Committee that the Programme was a good plan and Members and the community would see service improvements within the next few months.


When questioned, officers advised that negotiations were currently taking place with Unions with regard to the merits of bringing Phase 2 of the recruitment process forward to an earlier date;


-         the high percentage of agency staff being employed by the Council.  Whilst a cause for concern, the Committee recognised that this was a direct consequence of such a large organisational restructure.  However, since Phase 1(b) had now gone live, the Council was now in a position to be able to start to recruit externally, although some posts would have to be kept back until the completion of Phase 2.  Nonetheless, some Members did still wish to express their disappointment at the number of experienced members of staff who had recently left the Council;


-         the new technology.  Members were advised that the technology delay was attributed to the extent of the work involved in mapping every single process and function, before it is then tested and scripted on to the new system;


-         the Locality model.  Officers confirmed that the Locality team would be in operation within the next few months and it was envisaged that a Member Locality Briefing would be held on the afternoon of Monday, 6 July;


-         an all Member Briefing on the Programme, which had been scheduled to take place on Thursday, 23 June at 2.30pm.  Some newly elected Members stated that they were struggling to understand the details of the Programme.  In reply, officers informed that they would send out the reports which had previously been considered by the Council and the Executive Directors advised that they were also more than happy to meet smaller groups of Members to talk through the history of the Programme;


-         a general sense of positivity.  Some Members made reference to the revolutionary nature of the Programme and the Council being trail blazers in this regard.  Furthermore, the Panel noted that the Council had been shortlisted for a CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) national award for its recruitment process against a behavioural framework and other Councils were keen on the Council sharing its experiences with them.