Agenda item

Budget Proposals Report 2016-2017 - Update Information

In addition, the report and appendices entitled: ‘Draft Revenue Budget Proposals and Draft Capital Programme Proposals for 2016/17’ that were also considered by the Hub Committee at its meeting on 1 December 2015 (Minute HC 36 refers) are attached


*O&S 5          

The Committees considered a report that provided Members with an update to the figures that had been shown in the published Budget proposals report that was considered by the Hub Committee at its meeting on 1 December 2015 (Minute HC 36 refers).


In particular, the update report took into account the results of the Local Government Finance Settlement announcement by central government on 17 December 2015.


In his introduction, the Leader made particular reference to:-


-         a minor anomaly to the figures contained within the presented agenda report.  The Leader highlighted some minor amendments to the figures that had resulted from an adjustment in the TaxBase for 2016-17;

-         the anticipated impact of the Revenue Support Grant being nil at the earlier time of 2018/19;

-         the business rates baseline figures being based upon the current Settlement Funding Assessment (SFA);

-         a decision being required at a future date on whether the Council should accept the four year offer to Councils to have certainty on their funding.  Members were advised that a meeting was to be held imminently between senior finance officers across the county during which the merits of the four year offer would be discussed further;

-         the New Homes Bonus.  The meeting welcomed the comments in the report whereby the Council would be sending a robust response to the New Homes Bonus consultation document.


In the ensuing debate, the following points were raised:-


(a)    In respect of the set up costs of the Trading Company, officers advised that they were awaiting a response from the Local Government Association to ascertain whether or not the Council would be entitled to receive a sum of transformation funding from the Department for Communities and Local Government to support this project.  It was noted that the cost pressure had been increased (to £150,000 per Council) as a consequence of some further exploratory work that had been undertaken by Grant Thornton;


(b)    Officers confirmed that the inflation sum allocated towards the swimming pool (£20,000) was higher for 2017/18 in order to take into account assumptions associated with the start of the new leisure contract;


(c)    A Member highlighted the importance of the anticipated budget surplus for 2016/17 and the importance of it being re-invested wisely;


(d)    To provide guidance to the Hub Committee, Members discussed the merits of whether or not the Council Tax level for 2016/17 should be increased by 1.99%.  In light of the ongoing budget reductions from central government, a number of Members concluded that it was absolutely essential to build up our Council TaxBase and there was a further need to look at every possible revenue stream available to the Council.  It was then PROPOSED and SECONDED and when put to the vote was unanimously declared CARRIED that:-


‘The Hub Committee be advised that the Overview and Scrutiny Committees recommend that the Council Tax level for 2016/17 be increased by 1.99%.’


Before the meeting was formally closed, the Leader wished to pay tribute to the hard work of the Section 151 Officer and her finance colleagues who continued to work tirelessly for the Council,


Supporting documents: