Agenda item

Job Centre Plus Representatives


*O&S(E) 20    

Following a formal proposal request from Cllr Leech (which was subsequently endorsed by the Agenda Setting Panel), Job Centre Plus (JCP) representatives (Naomi Brooks, Maria Sullivan and Jacki Williams) were in attendance to respond to Member questions.


In responding to Member questions, particular reference was made to:-


(a)    the consultation period on the JCP proposals to cease the arrangement of conducting Fortnightly Jobsearch Reviews with its customers in Okehampton and Tavistock.  The representatives informed that Borough Council Members and Okehampton and Tavistock Town Councils were advised of the proposals at the same time.  When questioned in respect of why the consultation period was so short (4 weeks rather than 12), the representatives advised that they were unsure as to the methodology and would respond in writing after this meeting;


(b)    the reasoning behind the changing arrangements.  It was noted that the decision had been taken in light of the central government budget cuts and the recent significant reduction in customers who now required the Fortnightly Jobsearch Reviews (currently 87 In Tavistock and 59 in Okehampton);


(c)    the circumstances for each customer being considered on their own merits.  Members asked a series of questions regarding consideration being given to appointment times in Plymouth and Exeter being made to take into account factors such as public transport timetables and childcare/caring responsibilities.  In reply, JCP representatives gave assurances that the JCP did not wish to make things difficult for customers and looked at the individual circumstances in each instance.  In addition, the Committee was advised that the JCP did everything possible to ensure that appointments were made at the most convenient time;


(d)    failure to attend a Fortnightly Jobsearch Review meeting.  In line with national policy, customers would be required to give reasons for their failure to attend a meeting and, in respect of potential ‘sanctions’ being imposed, each case would then be looked at on its own merits.  For example, allowances would be made for instances such as inclement winter weather and road traffic accidents;


(e)    the Ockmont Centre, Okehampton alternative proposal which would prevent customers from needing to travel to Exeter.  JCP representatives confirmed that the proposal to utilise Skype had been ruled out at this time since the JCP did not currently have the ability to utilise this technology.  However, this would be revisited by the JCP when the new national agreement was considered;


(f)     making an initial claim.  It was noted that customers had always been expected to make their initial claim at either Exeter or Plymouth and this facility had never been offered at either Okehampton or Tavistock;


(g)    the extra travel distance for customers.  In line with the expectation that customers were actively looking for work, a Member commented that the extra travel distance may act as an incentive for claimants to find work;


(h)    an open invitation to Members.  The representatives extended an invitation to any interested Members who wished to visit the Plymouth or Exeter office and sit in on a Fortnightly Jobsearch Review interview.


In conclusion, the Chairman thanked the representatives for their informative responses to Member questions.