Agenda item

Revenue Budget Monitoring


The Board was presented with a report that enabled it to monitor income and expenditure variations against the approved budget for 2015/16.  The report also provided a forecast for the year-end position.


In discussion, reference was made to:-


(a)       the overall projected underspend of £16,200.  The Harbour Master was of the view that the projected figure was slightly pessimistic and he was anticipating that the actual underspend at the end of 2015/16 would be higher than £16,200;


(b)       the trend of declining visitor numbers.  When questioned, the Harbour Master confirmed that the trend for declining numbers of visitors, coupled with those reduced numbers staying for a longer period, was consistent with ‘similar’ harbours across the South West region;


(c)     the miscellaneous income.  For clarity, the Board was advised that examples of miscellaneous income included monies generated from hiring out the Harbour Crane and Barge;


In conclusion, the Board commended the overall content of the presented agenda report and appendices and therefore wished to put on record its gratitude to all relevant officers.


It was then:




That the forecast income and expenditure variations for the 2015/16 financial year and the overall projected underspend of £16,200 be noted.




Supporting documents: