Agenda item

Proposed Budget for 2016/17

to consider a report that sets out and recommends the 2016/17 budget for Salcombe Harbour



The Board was presented with a report that sought a recommendation to Council in respect of the proposed 2016/17 budget.  The Harbour Master introduced the report and highlighted the key areas of particular note.  He responded to questions.  The Finance Business Partner brought Members attention to the budget forecast which had been included in the agenda papers at the request of the Board.  Members discussed the Marine Infrastructure Reserve and it was agreed that the Lead Specialist Assets should attend and present a report on infrastructure matters within the Salcombe Kingsbridge area at a future Board meeting.  To conclude this item Members praised the work of the Finance team in producing the presented budget.


It was then:




That Council be RECOMMENDED that the proposed 2016/17 budget set out within the presented agenda report be approved, subject to agreement of the fees and charges to enable a balanced budget.



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