Agenda item

Housing - Parish Profiles and Update on South Hams Housing Offer



The Executive considered a report that sought approval for the introduction of ‘Parish Profiles’, a broad basket of data and information, designed to help provide a greater understanding of each demographic within a community and to help identify areas of need.


The report also provided an update on the South Hams Housing Offer.


In her introduction, the lead Executive Member made specific reference to:


-          the delay in residents being able to move into the St Anns Chapel Development.  The Member apologised for the delay (that was attributed to a legal dispute between the Council and its contractor) and informed that it had now been resolved and she was therefore confident that residents would be moving in within the next few weeks.  The Member also wished to put on record her thanks for the diligence, support and input from the local Ward Member, who had demonstrated real community leadership on this project;

-          refurbishment work was ongoing on the temporary accommodation units at Westville, Kingsbridge; and

-          the South Hams Housing Offer.  In highlighting that promising progress was being made, if any local Ward Member was contacted by a landowner regarding the Offer, they were encouraged to signpost them to either the Council website or lead officers.


During debate, particular reference was made to:


(a)     the Parish Profile approach.  Members commended the Profile approach and were of the view that local Ward Members and local town and parish councils would have an instrumental role to play in both their ownership and ongoing accuracy (and relevance) of contained information.  Having already taken the Profile to a local Parish Council meeting, a Member provided the following feedback:


-        especially in smaller parishes, some context was needed around some of the statistics;

-        some fact checking was required regarding the accuracy of some of the information set out; and

-        it would be helpful to include reference to some community facilities;


(b)     affordable housing policies.  Some Members stated that current Central Government rules and policies in relation to affordable housing simply did not work.  It was therefore hoped that these areas could be tightened up as part of the review into the Joint Local Plan;


(c)      the merits of town and parish councils undertaking their own Housing Needs Surveys.  When questioned, the Leader expressed his view that he would never discourage a town or parish council from carrying out their own Survey, however he did have personal reservations about their merit and was of the view that they were out of date as soon as they had been published and there was now a need for the Council to be more sophisticated in its approach to demonstrating Housing Need;


(d)     the South Brent Community Land Trust (CLT).  With regard to progress on the CLT, it was agreed that officers would provide an update to an interested Member outside of this meeting.


It was then:




1.    That the Parish Profile approach be endorsed; and


2.    That the progress being made on the South Hams Housing Offer be noted.


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