Agenda item

Planning Applications

To see Letters of Representation and further supplementary information relating to any of the planning applications on the agenda, please select the following link and enter the relevant Reference number:






The Committee proceeded to consider the report and presentation that had been prepared by the relevant Planning Officer on the following application and considered the comments of the local parish council together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda report and summarised below:


(a) Application Number: 0302/24/ARM             Ward: Tamarside


     Site Address:  Wooladon Farm, Liftondown, PL16 0DD


     Development: Application for approval for reserved matters following outline approval reference 2531/21/OPA relating to access, appearance, landscaping, layout, scale of erection of a dwelling for a farm manager together with access drive, plus the discharge of Conditions 6 (BNG), 7 (CEMP) and 8 (LEMP) (resubmission of 2531/21/OPA)


Recommendation: Refusal


Key Issues: Scale, massing and design, landscaping, biodiversity, drainage, appropriateness of the dwelling for an agricultural farm manager in perpetuity.


The Planning Officer took the members through the presentation on the application stating that there was already outline permission for a dwelling. She outlined the main reasons for refusal of this application.


      The quantum of both residential and farm related floor space not being supported by an essential agricultural need in the specific location.

      The size of the dwelling being unlikely to affordable for an agricultural farm manager in perpetuity. That was a requirement of TTV26.

      Insufficient information to demonstration the surface water drainage can be accommodated within the red line boundary. Insufficient information to discharge some of the conditions.


Public Speakers:


Supporter: The agent stated the application was for a farm managers dwelling for an extensive family business covering 540 acres, which employed 165 people. He stated that West Devon had no policy relating to the size of a rural worker’s dwelling.

He added that there would be few public views into the proposed dwelling. He felt it would not harm the local landscape. He stated that the issue with the drainage could be addressed in a condition if the application was to be passed. He referred to two planning appeal decisions on agricultural dwellings where the applications were refused on the grounds of scale and affordability.


Lifton Parish Council: The Vice Chair of Lifton Parish Council stated that the Parish Council was fully behind the application.


Ward Member: The Ward Member explained he called the application into Committee as there was no policy guidance for agricultural dwellings in the countryside.

His understanding was that the applicant had 4 businesses in current operation, the farm shop, horticulture, agriculture and the farm estate. Each depended on each other to trade effectively.

The combined businesses employed a combined employment of 165 people from Lifton and the surrounding areas. The applicants were full time managers of the businesses and on call 24/7.

He commented that it was an established highly effective business demonstrating a strong agricultural need. The family owned successful business had every likelihood of remaining affordable in the long term. He concluded in stating he supported the application.



Committee Debate:



      A Member spoke on the exceptional business that the applicants currently ran. However, they struggled with the size/mass being proposed in relation to policy TTV26.

      In response to a Member question the Planning Officer stated that there has to be enough land and business activity to support the dwelling in perpetuity.


The Head of planning referred to Policy TTV26 when advising Members on making their decision. She stated that the principle of a dwelling on the site was established, however Members needed to be mindful of the impact of the type of development on the countryside. 


Committee Decision: Refusal

Supporting documents: