Agenda item

Housing Crisis Update


*HC 56/22        

The Hub Committee was presented with a report that provided an update on the progress of three specific projects, namely the Springhill Temporary Accommodation Redevelopment Project; the proposed Brentor Affordable Housing Scheme and the Okehampton (Wonnacotts) Proposed Development site.


In the ensuing discussion, the following points were raised:


a)    Members requested further detail on the nature of the ‘at-risk’ spend concerning the Springhill project and raised concerns that the Contract to redevelop the site had still to be let. Members also commented that the site currently appeared unsightly and requested that action be taken to improve its appearance;


b)    Concerns were aired over the proposed closure of the Brentor Affordable Housing Scheme and the associated Housing Needs Survey.  Having recently declared a ‘Housing Crisis’, some Members felt that the recommendation to simply cease work on the Scheme did not sit comfortably.


At this point, the local Ward Member was invited to address the meeting and he proceeded to set out a number of concerns over the recommendation to cease work.  In particular, the Member questioned the methodology behind the Housing Needs Survey and the lack of any contact with the landowner.  Given the extent of these concerns, the Committee sought reassurance that the Survey had been properly conducted and that the results were accurate. In response, it was confirmed that the Survey had been undertaken in line with normal procedures, but that in response to several specific queries raised, offices would request a copy of all responses received by the independent organisation that had conducted the Survey on its behalf and would analyse the results to ensure that account had been taken of all information received.


     It was then further requested that the Council consult with Brentor Parish Council to fully explore the Housing need within the Parish, gathering definitive information on current requirements and this this information be brought to the next meeting of the Hub Committee for further consideration.


     Finally, officers also gave a personal commitment that they would make contact with the landowner.


     In light of the nature of the debate on the scheme, an alternative recommendation was PROPOSED and SECONDED as follows:


2. That the decision to cease work on a directly delivered affordable led housing scheme at Brentor be deferred for further consideration at the next Hub Committee Meeting to be held on 13 December 2022.


     When put to the vote, this recommendation was declared CARRIED;


c)    With regard to the Okehampton Proposed Development, a Member queried why there had been such a delay in moving the project forward. In response it was confirmed that issues around partnership funding had caused initial delays and then the Covid Pandemic demanded changing priorities.  However, it was confirmed that resources had now been put in place which would mean that the project should now be progressed. 


It was then RESOLVED that:


1.    the progress of the Springhill Temporary Accommodation Scheme, Tavistock and the possible further at-risk spend of £60k to enter a Pre-Construction Services Contract, to be spent from the Project Capital Expenditure approval of £1,200,000, as detailed within the October 2020 Hub Report, be noted;


2.    the decision to cease work on a directly delivered affordable led housing scheme at Brentor be deferred for further consideration at the next Hub Committee Meeting to be held on 13 December 2022.


3.    the progress of the Okehampton (Wonnacotts) Housing Scheme and support the actions taken by officers to progress the plan to bring forward the development of the site, be noted.


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