Agenda item

Planning Applications

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The Committee considered the details of the planning applications prepared by the Planning Case Officers as presented in the agenda papers, and considered also the comments of Town and Parish Councils, together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda reports, and RESOLVED that:


6a)      4175/21/VAR           Sherford Housing Development Site, East Sherford Cross To Wollaton Cross Zc4,        

                                                Brixton, Devon

Parish:  Brixton


Development:  READVERTISEMENT (Additional EIA Information Received) Application to amend conditions 48 & 50 of 0825/18/VAR, to vary conditions relating to employment floor space in respect of the Sherford New Community.


Case Officer Update:         

The Case Officer highlighted to the committee a submission received from the Plympton St Maurice Society on traffic issues in which they feel have not been sufficiently addressed.  The Traffic Officer who considered the proposal felt it did not alter the impact to the residents of Plympton St Maurice.  The application didn’t seek to change the existing masterplan and was generated by a need to reflect market changes and the Freeport.


In response to questions raised by Members, it was reported that the there was no proposal to drop the school.  Members raised concerns on the change of usage and increase in vehicle movement across the site and impact to the residents and local community.  Members wanted to see evidence and a fuller assessment of the commercial need at Sherford.  Officers reported that there was a strong demand across all sectors for business units.  There was no availability in the south west part of South Hams and Plymouth and this is the last appropriate place for large scale commercial premises and JLP highlights this as an area.


Speakers included:             Objector - Paul Ottewell; Supporter – Andy Tinnelly; Ward Members – Cllr Brown


Following questions to speakers it was reported that traffic issues in the Plympton St Maurice area have been raised with the consortium and Plymouth City Council.  Member’s sought clarification on the roads that would be impacted and officers reported that the majority of traffic would flow through the Deep Lane Junction.  Member’s questioned which company would take up the commercial space and it was reported that a local marine company were interested in the space.


The Ward Councillor reported that this application here today for consistency and will be speaking on behalf Brixton Parish Council who have requested a potential condition to be added regarding the movement of traffic from A38.  Brixton Parish Council do not object to this application.  Sherford is a long term project and since conception in the 1990s the application on this site has changed over that time and the changes need to be reflected.  The Ward Councillor sympathised with the objector in terms of traffic, however felt that it didn’t have significant material consideration on this application.  This is a good idea and will bring a lot of investment to the site and employment.  Since covid and a change to more flexible working has seen less of a need for office space and this application is moving with the times.  This is important for the Freeport.


During the debate, some Members felt this was a good employment opportunity for the area and supports the Freeport, however traffic was of concern.  Members felt that a condition for a no drive through restaurant near the Deep Lane junction would help ease traffic congestion.  Some Members felt that this application was more about allowing the Freeport rather than change in use of commercial space.  Members had sympathy with the objector(s) and the concerns raised regarding vehicular movements through Plympton St Maurice, however recognised that the existing S106 obligations around this was within the remit of the highway authorities and not SHDC and that continued pressure should sought be applied to the concerning parties to seek to resolve this outstanding matter. 


Concerns on climate emergency where also raised, as for the people who will move into the new town we are allowing a much bigger and much worse carbon footprint.


Recommendation:             To delegate authority to the Head of Development Management, in consultation with the Chairman of the Development Management Committee to grant conditional approval subject to a S106 with Plymouth City Council and Devon County Council, and to; 1. Make minor alterations to the planning conditions set out at the end of the report to ensure consistency and appropriate cross referencing to the S106; and 2. In the event that the S106 agreement remains unsigned six months after this resolution, that the application is reviewed by the Head of Development Management, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, and if no progress is being made delegated authority is given to the Head of Development Management to refuse the application in the absence of an agreed S106 agreement.


Committee decision:        To delegate authority to the Head of Development Management, in consultation with the Chairman of the Development Management Committee in conjunction with Ward Members to grant conditional approval subject to a S106 with Plymouth City Council and Devon County Council, and to; 1. Make minor alterations to the planning conditions set out at the end of the report to ensure consistency and appropriate cross referencing to the S106 including an amendment to condition 48 that adds a further restriction preventing drive through takeaways being located within the commercial area – Reason: to ensure highway safety and the function of the highway network are maintained; and 2. In the event that the S106 agreement remains unsigned six months after this resolution, that the application is reviewed by the Head of Development Management, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, and if no progress is being made delegated authority is given to the Head of Development Management to refuse the application in the absence of an agreed S106 agreement.



Conditions:                           The original outline conditions as imposed upon 0825/18/VAR to be reiterated, but amended as necessary to reflect the proposed amendments (included in full at the end of the report).


6b)      1159/21/FUL           Land at West End Garage, Main Road, Salcombe

Parish:   Salcombe


Development: Erection of 21 residential dwellings (including 30% affordable homes) with associated amenities and infrastructure (Resubmission of 3320/20/FUL).


Case Officer Update:         

This application was considered in June and the committee were unhappy with certain aspects of the development and therefore deferred the application.  Meetings have taken place with the developer on the concerns raised which included the room sizes in the apartment building, some of the garden sizes and the level of renewal energy provided. Officers feel that these concerns have been addressed. 


             Members raised concern over the lack of a pedestrian crossing.  The Highways Officer   outlined in the report that the number of dwellings do not support the need for a crossing and will leave the crossing well underutilised.


Speakers included:             Supporter – Stephen Thompson; Ward Members – Cllrs Pearce and Long.


The Ward Members both reported that the deferment improved and addressed the issues raise.  However disappointed in the response received from highways and once this development up and running will go back to highways.  Also highlighted that this is a strategic site from a landscape perspective and would like to public realm trees to be TPOd to be preserved. 


During the debate concerns were raised on the pedestrian crossing and whether Section 106 could secure this at a later date.  Members also wanted to ensure adequate planting and landscape management plan in place for this development.  Officers highlighted that condition 13 requires a landscaping plan pre commencement.


Recommendation:             Delegate to the Head of Planning to approve conditionally subject to the conditions below and subject to prior completion of an acceptable s106 agreement.


Committee decision:        Delegate to the Head of Planning to approve conditionally subject to the conditions below and subject to prior completion of an acceptable s106 agreement. To include a mechanism to TPO newly planted trees.



1. Time Limit

2. Approved plans

3. Construction Management Plan (pre commencement)

4. Drainage; surface and foul (pre commencement)

5. CEMP (pre commencement)

6. LEMP (pre commencement)

7. Accord with tree survey

8. Accord with ecology report

9. Bird/bat/box provision

10.Repeat badger survey

11.No clearance in nesting season

12.Landform/Engineering Plan (clearly showing the details of levels and design of any retaining feature on the western boundary) (pre commencement)

13.Hard and Soft Landscaping Plan (inc. boundary treatments/enclosures) (pre commencement)

14.Exceptional planting contract

15.External materials, finish and colour (including windows and doors)

16.EV Charging inc. 7kw point for each property

17.Comply with Energy Statement

18.Waste Management Plan (pre commencement)

19.Unexpected Land Contamination

20.Parking provision

21.Highway details

22.Off-site highway works

23.Provision of site access

24.Road survey (pre commencement)

25.Employment and Skills Plan (pre commencement)

26.Removal of PD

27.Locked gates

28.No additional lighting



6c)       1424/22/VAR          Waves Edge, Challaborough

Parish:  Bigbury


Development:  Application for variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning consent 4416/17/FUL (APP/K1128/W/18/3202068) (Retrospective)


Case Officer Update:  A further discussion with the agent since the chair’s brief and the agent happy to accept condition to use an anti-reflective coating to the roof windows.


Speakers included:    Ward Members – Cllr Taylor.


The Ward Member had received objections from the parish council and neighbours regarding the massive reflection from the roof lights.  This is a retrospective planning application and why a bungalow needs so many roof lights.  This is affecting the neighbours and the increase in roof lights will cause light pollution.


             During the debate Members discussed the roof lights and the concern on light pollution in this area.  Members supported the applicant’s use of reflective cover to reduce the glare to neighbours, however did request whether a further condition be included on blinds and officers reported that this would be difficult to enforce.  Members requested applicants to put on the reflective screen within a month and to be maintained for perpetuity.


Recommendation:             Conditional approval with additional condition for anti-reflective coating to roof windows as per Case Officer update.


Committee decision:        Conditional approval with additional condition for anti-reflective coating to roof windows as per Case Officer update.


Supporting documents: