Agenda item

Reports of Bodies

to receive and as may be necessary approve the minutes and recommendations of the under-mentioned Bodies

* Indicates minutes containing recommendations to Council.






That the minutes and recommendations of the undermentioned bodies be received and approved subject to any amendments listed below:-


a)     Audit Committee                                                          10 March 2022


A.39/21 Review Of Confidential Reporting Policy


With regard to the views of the Audit Committee whereby staff consultation was critical on the draft Policy, the Section 151 Officer advised that Trade Unions had been consulted.  In addition, reference to the Policy had been included in an issue of ‘People Matters’ (that was circulated to all members of staff) and was to be part of the Essential Learning Pathway for which all staff would be required to complete a learning module that set out the purpose and content of the Policy.


Having received these assurances, it was then:




That the Confidential Reporting Policy and related Frequently Asked Questions document (as attached at appendices 1 and 2 of the published agenda report to the Committee Meeting) be adopted.



b) Development Management Committee                 16 March 2022


c)   Overview & Scrutiny Committee                              17 March 2022


d) Special Executive                                                             31 March 2022


e)   Licensing Committee                                                     31 March 2022


f)   Executive                                                                            7 April 2022


E.105/21 Climate Change And Biodiversity Action - Council Net-Zero Update




That authority be delegated to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the lead Executive Member for Finance to:


a)     approve and agree the lending terms to Fusion Leisure for a loan of up to £500,000 to facilitate solar panel installation across all four Council Leisure Centres over the remaining term of the leisure contract, in accordance with Treasury Management advice; and


b)     update the Council’s Capital Strategy, Investment Strategy and Treasury Management Strategy for 2022/23 for a £500,000 loan provision to Fusion Leisure for the solar installation, in accordance with Treasury Management advice.


g)   Development Management Committee                 13 April 2022


h)  Overview & Scrutiny Committee                              21 April 2022


O&S.70/21 Annual Standards Report 2021/22




That the appointments of George Barnicott, Trevor Kirkin, and Peter Boreham as Independent Persons be ratified from the Annual Meeting in May 2019 to the Annual Meeting in May 2023.


i)    Special Salcombe Harbour Board                              25 April 2022


With regard to recommendation SH.41/21 (Governance and Duty Holder Arrangements), it was confirmed that this item had already been approved as part of the Council Constitution review agenda item earlier in the meeting (Minute 08/22 above refers).

Supporting documents: