Agenda item

Leisure Contract - Fusion Annual Report 2021



The lead Executive Member for Community Wellbeing explained that the representative from Fusion was unable to attend this Committee Meeting as he was unwell and that the presentation from Fusion would be moved to the next Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting on 21 April, 2022.  The Member did introduce a report to the Committee that updated on Fusion’s annual report for 2021. 


It was clarified that while the Council had one operator across all four leisure centres within the District, the contract was different for Totnes Leisure Centre as Tadpool hired the building and contracted direct with Fusion.


It was noted that usage of the leisure centres had continued to rise month on month, and was approaching pre Covid pandemic attendance. 


Following a discussion regarding overview of the Fusion financial information, it was PROPOSED, SECONDED and CARRIED at the subsequent vote that:




The Overview and Scrutiny Committee receive financial figures and a full report every six months, with a three monthly update being received from the Lead Executive Member for Leisure, to include all relevant financial matters. 


The Chairman then clarified that Fusion were not seeking further financial support from the Council, but were asking to extend the payment terms for management fees which were due to the Council.  The Officer confirmed that Fusion were not looking to alter the amount of the fees, nor the payment schedule timescale, but were looking to reduce earlier payments and increase later payments.


The Members of the Committee requested that they receive the complete list of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that were set out in Fusion’s contract, and to receive this list before the Full Council meeting on 31 March 2022 when a related item would be on the agenda.


It was confirmed that a report on solar panels on Leisure Centre roofs would be presented to the Executive in the near future.  Following questions from Members, it was confirmed that projects to reduce carbon emissions were being investigated, particularly as proposals required design and feasibility studies before there was any possibility of accessing government grants. It was confirmed that, as Fusion held the leases for leisure centres, it was Fusion’s choice over who provided the solar panels.  Following discussions regarding the potential of the Totnes Renewable Energy Society (TRESOC) being used in Totnes, it was confirmed that this topic would be a high priority when Fusion representatives appeared at the next Overview and Scrutiny Committee, 21 April 2022.  A Member then asked about the recent price increases at the leisure centres and it was confirmed that these were accompanied by an increase in those able to apply for concessions.


It was then clarified that the four main areas for Fusion to respond to when they appeared at the next meeting were listed as:  activities in surrounding rural areas; KPIs; carbon reduction/solar energy projects; and pricing. 


Hearing of the report was then adjourned until the next Committee meeting.


It was then:



That the Executive be RECOMMENDED to establish a Working Group to progress the much needed improvement works at Totnes Leisure Centre.  The Working Group to consist of the Executive Lead for Leisure, the three local Ward Members, a representative of Tadpool, a representative of Fusion, and relevant lead officers.  The first meeting to be held within four weeks of the Executive decision.


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