Agenda item

To receive the Minutes of the following Committees, to note the delegated decisions and to consider the adoption of those Unstarred Minutes which require approval:

(i)         Planning and Licensing Committee

            Meeting held on 13 December 2016                                                 


Unstarred Minute to agree

            Members are recommended to agree:


P&L 45 Proposed Changes to the Constitution in respect of the Planning and Licensing Committee


That Council be RECOMMENDED that the West Devon Borough Council Constitution be amended as set out below to reflect the recommendations of the Political Structures Working Group, and to take effect from the Annual Council meeting in May 2017:


1.         That West Devon Borough Council continue to have a Planning and Licensing Committee of ten Members; who will determine both planning and licensing applications;

2.         That the Constitution be amended to allow for a sub-committee of five Members (drawn from the ten appointed Planning and Licensing Committee Members) to be convened to determine taxi driver licence applications and other miscellaneous licences, in addition to the current existing sub-committee of three Members that was convened to determine alcohol and gambling licences; and

3.         That the Planning and Licensing Committee be renamed with effect from the Annual Council meeting in May 2017, to the ‘Development Management and Licensing Committee’.


P&L 46 Review of Site Inspection Protocol


That Council be RECOMMENDED to adopt the revised Site Inspection Protocol as presented at Appendix A to the Planning and Licensing Committee minutes.


            Meeting held on 10 January 2017                                                                 


            (ii)        Hub Committee

                        Meeting held on 19 December 2016                                                 


Meeting held on 24 January 2017                                                                 


Unstarred Minute to agree

Members are recommended to agree:


HC 50 Investment Options


That Council be RECOMMENDED that:


1.    the sum of £500,000 from the earmarked ‘Invest to Earn’ reserve be used to invest in CCLA’s (CCLA Investment Management Limited’s) Local Authorities Property Fund as detailed in section 5 of the presented agenda report, with the investment being placed at the beginning of the 2017/18 financial year; and


2.    a Member Working Group be set up to work with officers to evaluate other invest to earn, income and efficiency opportunities for future consideration by the Council.


HC 51 ICT Strategy 2017/19


That Council be RECOMMENDED that the ICT Strategy Document be approved.


(iii)       Audit Committee

            Meeting held on 10 January 2017                                                                 


Unstarred Minute to agree

            Members are recommended to agree:


AC 25 Appointment of External Auditors


That Council be RECOMMENDED that West Devon Borough Council opts into the appointing person arrangements made by Public Sector Audit Appointments (PSAA) for the appointment of external auditors.


(iv)       Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committees

                        Meeting held on 17 January 2017                                                                 




CM 54                                                                


a.         Planning and Licensing Committee – 13 December 2016 and 10 January 2017

It was moved by Cllr P R Sanders, seconded by Cllr G Parker and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that the Minutes of the 13 December 2016 and 10 January 2017 meetings be received and noted, with the exception of Unstarred Minutes P&L 45 and P&L 46”.


In respect of the Unstarred Minutes:


i.              P&L 45 Proposed Changes to the Constitution in respect of the Planning and Licensing Committee


Before the recommendation was moved and seconded, a Member wished to thank the Committee Chairman for enabling the Committee every opportunity to debate this matter.  In so doing, he wished to put on record his support for the proposed way forward.


It was then moved by Cllr P R Sanders, seconded by Cllr G Parker and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that the Council Constitution be amended as set out below to reflect the recommendations of the Political Structures Working Group and to take effect from the Annual Council meeting in May 2017:


1.         That West Devon Borough Council continue to have a Planning and Licensing Committee of ten Members; who will determine both planning and licensing applications;

2.         That the Constitution be amended to allow for a sub-committee of five Members (drawn from the ten appointed Planning and Licensing Committee Members) to be convened to determine taxi driver licence applications and other miscellaneous licences, in addition to the current existing sub-committee of three Members that was convened to determine alcohol and gambling licences; and

3.         That the Planning and Licensing Committee be renamed with effect from the Annual Council meeting in May 2017, to the ‘Development Management and Licensing Committee’.



ii            P&L 46 Review of Site Inspection Protocol

It was moved by Cllr P R Sanders, seconded by Cllr G Parker and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that the revised Site Inspection Protocol (as presented at Appendix A to the Planning and Licensing Committee minutes) be adopted”.


b.         Hub Committee – 19 December 2016 and 24 January 2017

It was moved by Cllr P R Sanders, seconded by Cllr R E Baldwin and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that the Minutes of the 1 November 2016 and 29 November 2016 meetings be received and noted, with the exception of Unstarred Minutes HC 50 and HC 51”.


In respect of the Unstarred Minutes:


i.              HC 50 Investment Options

It was moved by Cllr P R Sanders, seconded by Cllr R E Baldwin and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that:


1.    the sum of £500,000 from the earmarked ‘Invest to Earn’ reserve be used to invest in CCLA’s (CCLA Investment Management Limited’s) Local Authorities Property Fund as detailed in section 5 of the presented agenda report, with the investment being placed at the beginning of the 2017/18 financial year; and


2.    a Member Working Group be set up to work with officers to evaluate other invest to earn, income and efficiency opportunities for future consideration by the Council, with appointments to this Group being delegated to the two Group Leaders.


ii.            HC 51 ICT Strategy 2017-2019

It was moved by Cllr P R Sanders, seconded by Cllr R E Baldwin and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that the ICT Strategy Document be approved.”


c.         Audit Committee – 10 January 2017

It was moved by Cllr N Jory, seconded by Cllr B Stephens and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that the Minutes of the 10 January 2017 meeting be received and noted, with the exception of Unstarred Minute AC 25”.


In respect of the Unstarred Minute:


i.              AC 25 Appointment of External Auditors

It was moved by Cllr N Jory, seconded by Cllr B Stephens and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that West Devon Borough Council opts into the appointing person arrangements made by Public Sector Audit Appointments (PSAA) for the appointment of external auditors.”


d.         Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committees – 17 January 2017

It was moved by Cllr C R Musgrave, seconded by Cllr J Yelland and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that the Minutes of the 17 January 2017 meeting be received and noted”.




Supporting documents: