Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budget Proposals for 2022/23 to 2024/25



Consideration was given to a report that outlined the draft revenue and capital budget proposals for 2022/23 to 2024/25.


In discussion, reference was made to:-


(a)    Town and Parish Council precepts.  A Member expressed her disappointment at the significant increases in precepts from a number of Town and Parish Councils.  In reply, some other Members made the point that often Town and Parish Councils were increasing their precepts in recognition of the fact that they had been devolved additional responsibilities from both the Council and Devon County Council;


(b)    the personal view of a Member that Council Tax was an unfair form of taxation;


(c)    praise being extended to the Section 151 Officer and her deputy for their work in producing the published agenda papers.


It was then:




1.     That the forecast budget gap for 2022/23 of £28,500 (0.3% of the Net Budget of 2021/22 of £9.7 million) and the position for future years be noted;


2.     That the timescales for closing the budget gap in 2022/23 and future years (in order to achieve long-term financial sustainability) be noted;


3.     That the current level of Unearmarked and Earmarked Reserves (as set out in Section C of the published agenda report) as well as the net contributions to Earmarked Reserves modelled for 2022/23 (as set out in Appendix D of the published agenda report) be noted;


4.     That the forecast Capital Programme Proposals for 2022/23 of £1.61 million and the proposed financing of the Capital Programme (as set out in Appendix E of the presented agenda report) be noted;


5.     That the views of the Executive be requested on the draft Revenue and Capital Budget Proposals for 2022/23;


6.     That the views of Members of the Development Management and Overview and Scrutiny Committees on the draft Revenue and Capital Budget Proposals for 2022/23 be sought at the joint meeting to be held on 13 January 2022; and


That Council be RECOMMENDED to:


7.     continue to be part of the Devon Business Rates Pool for 2022/23, subject to there being no announcements within the Finance Settlement (expected to be announced in mid-December), which in the opinion of the Section 151 Officer (in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the lead Executive Member for Finance) would change this recommendation.



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