Agenda item

Reports of Bodies

to receive and as may be necessary approve the minutes and recommendations of the under-mentioned Bodies:


(* Indicates minutes containing recommendations to Council).




That the minutes and recommendations of the undermentioned bodies be received and approved subject to any amendments listed below:-


(a)      Development Management Committee – 8 September 2021

         DM.22/21: Planning Applications

(a)    2560/21/FUL “Former Brutus Centre”, Fore Street,       Totnes, TQ9 5RW

A Member questioned the accuracy of the minute in respect of application number 2560/21/FUL (‘Former Brutus Centre’ Totnes) and specifically the affordable housing contribution quoted and it was agreed that officers would review these prior to the next Development Management Committee meeting.


(b)      Salcombe Harbour Board – 20 September 2021

         SH.16/21: 2022/23 Budget and Fees & Charges


That, with effect from 1 April 2022:

1.         the proposed 2022/23 Budget (as set out within the presented agenda report to the Board meeting) be approved; and

2.         the proposed 2022/23 Fees and Charges (as set out in Appendix D of the presented agenda report to the Board meeting) be approved.


(c)       Development Management Committee – 6 October 2021

DM.29/21: Planning Applications

(f) 2133/19/VAR Cottage Hotel, Hope Cove TQ7 3HJ

The accuracy of the minute and specifically some of the comments attributed to the Leader of Council were questioned and it was agreed that officers would review these prior to the next Development Management Committee meeting.


(d)      Overview & Scrutiny Committee – 13 October 2021

O&S.25/21: Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report


That the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report for 2020/21 be approved.


(e)      Executive – 14 October 2021

E.51/21: Response to the Housing Crisis


That the Council agrees to form a Community Benefit Society (CBS); and delegates authority to the Director of Place and Enterprise in consultation with the Chief Executive; Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer; and with the Leader of the Council to undertake full due diligence and the necessary steps to set up the CBS.


E.53/21: Planning Improvement Plan – Phase 2 Resources

When questioned, it was confirmed that the proposed additional legal resources would lead to the added benefits of reductions in the need for external legal advice to be sought and additional legal support for the Development Management and Planning Enforcement functions.

It was then:


1.      That six additional permanent posts be employed (shared with West Devon Borough Council) being four planning specialists and two legal specialists at an annual cost of £164,000 (the Council share of the costs) to be funded from additional planning income; and

2.      That the staffing budget be increased by £164,000 and the planning income target for 2022/23 onwards be increased by £164,000.


(f)       Audit Committee – 28 October 2021


(g)      Overview and Committee – 4 November 2021

O&S.33/21: Response to the Housing Crisis – Request from Executive Meeting of 14 October 2021 (Minute E.51/21 refers)

For clarity, it was confirmed that the Leader had recommended the establishment of one (and not two) Housing Task and Finish Groups and it was agreed that this amendment would be incorporated prior to the Committee minutes being agreed as a true and correct record.


(h)      Special Executive – 11 November 2021

E.58/21: Declarations of Interest

In light of some comments that had been made in respect of the timing of the interest being declared at the Special Executive meeting, it was noted that the draft minute had since been revised before the agenda for the next Executive meeting (to be held on 2 December 2021) had been published.


Supporting documents: