Agenda item

Waste Service Update

FCC representatives to attend;



At the invitation of the Chairman, the Committee was addressed by two representatives of the Council’s waste and recycling contractor, FCC Environment (FCC).      


Following questions from Members, the following points were made by FCC:


·           Nationally there was a shortage of about 100,000 HGV drivers, with many Councils suffering similar shortages in refuse truck drivers.  This shortage was seen as a direct consequence of Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic.  Vacancies were up 30% in this quarter and up 140% compared to this time last year.

·           In response to the shortages, FCC stated that they had increased the basic rate of pay three times since the contract had started and rates were now equitable to other Local Authorities in the area.  FCC were funding LGV training for anyone requesting this along with funding apprenticeships.  They were offering a bonus to anyone who introduced a new worker, and using agencies for recruitment.  Agency workers were made permanent as soon as possible, with part time work available for those who wished it.  Overtime was offered at the weekend but was not compulsory.  A driver recruitment campaign had been started with a cycle to work scheme, medical advice free of charge, pension scheme, 28 days annual leave, death in service scheme, and the depot crew rooms had been improved, including the addition of free coffee vending machines.  These changes had improved figures for driver retention but it was still challenging recruiting new drivers.

·           It was confirmed that FCC currently had 55 drivers and 98 loaders, with vacancies for eight LGV drivers, seven 7.5ton drivers, and 18 loaders.

·           FCC were advised that the recruitment advert for the South Hams area was not accessible on their website.  One of the representatives confirmed that they had found this out and were working to resolve this.

·           When questioned, FCC were unable to guarantee when their vacancies would be filled.

·           FCC had promised to produce an implementation plan at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 10th June which had still not been delivered (Minute O&S.3/21 refers).  FCC stated that they were still working on this as it was a complex situation and had required greater analysis of the data, however, this task was nearing completion.

·           FCC confirmed that, although their website stated that they worked for 60 Local Authorities, they only did collections for 12.

·           Following questions from Members regarding the brown bin collection, it was confirmed that the Executive would be asked to extend the current suspension of this service at its meeting to be held on 14 October 2021.  FCC stated that they would soon know of the trigger levels for the brown bin service.

·           One Member noted that the street and public convenience cleaning staff were doing a good job and their supervisors were also working hard.  However, it was noted that it was not working as well in all areas of the District.  FCC confirmed that pay rates for these workers had also been reviewed and increased recently.

·           Members confirmed that bin collections were still being missed with a whole village missed earlier this week.  South Hams District Council were told by FCC that there were no bins placed outside of properties but residents had told the Member that the bins had been out for six weeks.  FCC representatives asked for specific details and this instance would be investigated outside of this meeting.

·           It was confirmed that two Council officers were still working on behalf of FCC, collecting missed bins, whilst several senior Council Officers were involved with daily meetings with FCC to discuss any operational issues from the day before or for that particular day. The Executive was also still meeting weekly with FCC to try to iron out issues and to receive weekly progress reports.

·           FCC confirmed that members of its management team had been out with the crews and that each crew was debriefed when they returned to the depot.


The Chairman thanked the representatives of FCC for attending the meeting.