Agenda and minutes

West Devon Development Management and Licensing Committee - Tuesday, 16th April, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Chamber - Kilworthy Park

Contact: Kathy Hoare - Democratic Services Specialist 

No. Item

*DM&L .50/23

Apologies for Absence



There were no apologies received from Committee Members for this meeting.

*DM&L .51/23

Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Code of Conduct, Members are invited to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Other Registerable Interests and Non-Registerable Interests including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting;



Cllr N Jory declared a personal interest in planning application 0054/24/FUL (The Sculpture School, Moorview Farm, Bondleigh EX20 2AP) (Minute *DM&L.54 (a) below refers).  Cllr Jory declared his interest by virtue of having attended (in his capacity as Leader of the Council from 2019-23) an exhibition at The Sculpture School and meeting the applicants at this time and remained in the meeting and took part in the debate and vote thereon.


Cllr C Mott also declared a personal interest in planning application 0054/24/FUL (The Sculpture School, Moorview Farm, Bondleigh EX20 2AP) (Minute *DM&L.54 (a) below refers).  Cllr Mott declared her interest by virtue of having attended The Sculpture School on a number of occasions during her terms of office as Mayor of the Council and proceeded to remain in the meeting and take part in the debate and vote thereon.

*DM&L .52/23

Items Requiring Urgent Attention

To consider those items which, in the opinion of the Chairman, should be considered by the Meeting as matters of urgency (if any). 




There were no items of urgent business brought forward to this meeting for consideration

*DM&L .53/23

Confirmation of Minutes pdf icon PDF 310 KB

Meeting held on 27 February 2024



The Minutes from the Development Management and Licencing Committee meeting held on 27 February 2024 were agreed as a true and correct record.

*DM&L .54/23

Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 764 KB

To see Letters of Representation and further supplementary information relating to any of the planning applications on the agenda, please select the following link and enter the relevant Reference number:




Additional documents:



The Committee proceeded to consider the reports and presentations that had been prepared by the relevant Planning Officer on the following applications and also considered the comments of the local town and parish councils together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda report and summarised below:


(a)              Application No. 0054/24/FUL            Ward: North Tawton


Site Address: The Sculpture School, Moorview Farm, Bondleigh EX20 2AP


Development: Retention of 3 holiday lets in the form of 2 shepherds huts, conversion of attic space above sculpture school and addition of photovoltaic panels.


Recommendation: Refusal


Key issues for Committee consideration:

Holiday accommodation, Sustainability, Design, Landscape, Trees, Biodiversity and Ecology, Highways and Low Carbon Development


Case Officer Introduction:


The Planning Case Officer conducted a detailed presentation to the Committee and, in summary, informed that this application was a finely balanced one.  That being said, the Case Officer advised that her recommendation was that the application be refused due to the development ‘resulting in tourism accommodation in an unsustainable rural location with restricted access to services and amenities whereby users would be reliant on the private car’.


Public Speakers:


Supporter – Mr Sherry (Agent)


In summary, Mr Sherry stated that:


-               the huts had been constructed to a particularly high standard;

-              the officer reason for reason being countered by the information set out in the Carbon Reduction Statement;

-              no objections had been raised by Devon County Council Highways Authority; and

-              the business employed 8 individuals and this application was very important to ensure the ongoing sustainability and viability of this rural business.


Mr Sherry proceeded to respond to some Committee Member questions highlighting that:


-              the priority use for the huts was for the Sculpture School students and, on the rare occasions that any were vacant, then the application sought to enable them to be used for tourism purposes;

-              the Sculpture School had an excellent national (and international) reputation and had even commissioned work for the Royal Family.  As a result, Mr Sherry felt that the Council should be very proud that such a renowned business was based in the West Devon Borough area.


Bondleigh Parish Council representative – Cllr Dr Warre


During his address, Cllr Warre reiterated the success of the local business and advised that the Parish Council was strongly of the view that all steps should be taken to support such rural businesses and he therefore called on the Committee to approve this application.


Local Ward Members: statement read on behalf of Cllrs Casbolt and Watts that included reference to:


-                the planning history that saw the School originally being granted planning permission;

-                the huts not looking out of place and in no way being detrimental to the open countryside.

-                Students being allowed to reside on site would in fact reduce the daily travel to and from local hotels and holiday accommodation;

-                Carbon emissions would be further reduced through the on-site Electric Vehicle Car Charging points;

-                Policy SPT1  ...  view the full minutes text for item *DM&L .54/23

*DM&L .55/23

Planning Appeals Update pdf icon PDF 114 KB



The Head of Development Management took the Committee through each of the planning appeal cases listed in the published agenda papers and Members proceeded to note the contents of the update.

*DM&L .56/23

Update on Undetermined Major Applications pdf icon PDF 277 KB



The Committee received an update from the Head of Development Management on the Undetermined Major Planning Applications that were listed in the published agenda papers and proceeded to note the contents of the update given.