Agenda and minutes

South Hams Salcombe Harbour Board - Monday, 2nd November, 2015 2.30 pm

Venue: Quay House, Kingsbridge

Contact: Email: 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Minutes - to approve as a correct record and authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 28 September 2015

Additional documents:



The minutes of the meeting of the Salcombe Harbour Board held on

28 September 2015 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.





Declarations of Interest

Members are invited to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests, they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting





Members were invited to declare any interests in the items of business to be considered during the course of the meeting, and the following were made:


Cllrs Wingate and Wright and Dr Harling, Mr Burrell, Mr Mackley, Mr Marriage, Mr Taylor and Mr Thomson all declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in all related agenda items by virtue of having moorings or paying harbour dues to the Council.  As a result of the Solicitor granting each Board Member a dispensation, they were all able to take part in the debate and vote on any related matters (Minute SH.05/15 refers).  




Public Question Time

a period of up to 15 minutes is available to deal with questions from the public



There were no issues raised in accordance with the Public Question Time procedure rules.




Feedback from Harbour Community Forums

to receive verbal reports from Board Members who attend the Harbour Community Forums on behalf of the Board





The Board received verbal update reports from the Board Members who attended the Harbour Community Forums.  The updates were given as follows:


Salcombe Kingsbridge Estuary Association (SKEA)

The representative made reference to the sad recent passing of Mr Peter Goldsworthy.  Following his passing, and in recognising the prominent role played by Mr Goldsworthy on the Forum, the representative felt it would be fitting for tributes to be uploaded on to the SKEA Forum website.


Salcombe Kingsbridge Estuary Conservation Forum (SKECF)

At its last meeting, the Forum considered at great length the matter of nitrate levels at Gerston.  A set of annual nitrate figures were requested during the meeting to enable for some trend analysis to be undertaken.  The Salcombe Harbour Master added that the sewage system for Salcombe was intended to be restructured during the winter months and Whitestrand was therefore to be closed for a time during this period.


Forum representatives also expressed their concerns at the meeting regarding speeding in the upper Estuary.


Finally, litter complaints (specifically rubber litter) were also raised by the Forum.  In reply, the Harbour Master advised that this related to a trawler race and, in the future, biodegradable balloons would be used.


South Devon & Channel Shellfishermen

The representative made reference to the upcoming visit from a Chinese delegation that was due to take place on Wednesday, 4 November 2015.  In discussion, the Board stated its hope that the visit would prove to be successful.


Kingsbridge and Salcombe Marine Business Forum

There was no update to give at this meeting.


Kingsbridge Estuary Boat Club (KEBC)

There was no update to give at this meeting.




Marine Infrastructure Update pdf icon PDF 48 KB

to consider a report that seeks to approve the continuation of an annual contribution to South Hams District Council  to be held in reserve for spending on Council owned marine infrastructure in the Salcombe Estuary

Additional documents:



The Board was presented with a report that sought to approve the continuation of an annual contribution to South Hams District Council to be held in reserve for spending on Council-owned marine infrastructure in the Salcombe Estuary.


In discussion, reference was made to:-


(a)    the state of Kingsbridge Quay Wall.  Some Members stated their concerns in respect of the poor state of the Quay Wall and felt that an engineering report should be undertaken to ascertain its condition.  In reply, officers advised that, as part of the five year maintenance plan, the state of the wall was known and was underpinned by supporting data.  Furthermore, officers confirmed that they were comfortable with the monies allocated as indicated in the exempt Appendix A for the planned maintenance works.  Finally, officers also recognised the need for these works to be co-ordinated in line with the new business that was intended to start-up in the area during the summer of 2016;


(b)    Kingsbridge Slipway.  A lengthy debate ensued on the Slipway during which it was acknowledged that the:-


-         huge drop-off at the end of the Slipway was causing problems;

-         Council did not own the bottom eighth of the slipway, which was leased from the Duchy;

-        surface of the Slipway could not be cleaned and there were consequent potential health and safety implications; 

-        Slipway was a back-up for Batson and therefore needed to be of sufficient standard;

-        area should be part of the Masterplanning exercise for development site K2; and

-        Slipway would not be seen as a priority for the Council.


In conclusion, it was PROPOSED and SECONDED that the Board endorse the Harbour Master to commission an engineering scoping report on Kingsbridge Slipway, with the findings included as part of a further report to be presented to a future Board meeting.


(c)    Batson Slipway.  A Members wished to stress to the COP Lead Assets that the Batson Slipway area was a huge pressure point;


(d)    Jubilee Pier.  Some Members highlighted the potential funding stream for the Pier and felt that it was incumbent upon the Board to be innovative in looking at future options in this regard.


It was then:




1.       That an annual contribution continue to be approved to South Hams District Council (SHDC) to be held in reserve for spending on SHDC owned marine infrastructure in the Kingsbridge and Salcombe Estuary; and


2.       That it be endorsed that the Harbour Master commission an engineering scoping report on Kingsbridge Slipway, with the findings included as part of a further report to be presented to a future Board meeting.



Crane Refurbishment pdf icon PDF 53 KB

to consider a report that seeks to approve expenditure from the Renewals Reserve to refurbish the Harbour Authority crane



Consideration was given to a report that sought to approve expenditure from the Renewals Reserve to refurbish the Harbour Authority crane.


In discussion, officers clarified that the crane had a life span of at least a further five years.  A number of Members proceeded to confirm their support for the officer recommendation.


It was then:




That expenditure be approved from the Renewals Reserve to refurbish the Harbour Authority crane.




Quarter 2 Performance Indicators pdf icon PDF 45 KB

to consider a report that advises of progress made in the second quarter of the financial year against PIs

Additional documents:




The Board considered a report that advised it of progress made in the second quarter of the financial year against its Performance Indicators (PIs).


In discussion, reference was made to:-


(a)    verbal compliments received.  Whilst written compliments were formally recorded, the Harbour Master informed that verbal compliments were not currently;


(b)    the increased income generated from visiting boats.  The Board welcomed the increased income and recognised that, since the number of visiting boats had decreased, customers were now staying for a longer period;


(c)    waiting lists.  In reply to a question, the Harbour Master informed that the majority of those on the mooring waiting list were new applicants;


(d)    the instance of long term sickness absence.  Having been informed that he had now returned to work, the Board asked that their wishes be passed on to the staff member. 


It was then:




That the latest Performance Indicators be noted.




Customer Satisfaction pdf icon PDF 58 KB

to consider a report that sets out the results of the 2015 opinion survey conducted online



A report was considered that provided the results of the 2015 Opinion Survey.


In discussion, reference was made to:-


(a)    the future marketing workshop.   The Board felt that it would be pertinent to discuss at the upcoming marketing workshop potential methods of targeting harbour users to undertake surveys in future years.  In addition, Members also considered that it would be timely at the workshop to informally discuss why the water taxi discount tickets were under-utilised;


(b)    the results of the survey.  Whilst accepting that there were limitations in the findings, Members took comfort that there was nothing so significant that suggested that there were major issues with the Harbour;


(c)    anti-speeding patrol days.  The Harbour Master informed that it was intended in the future to run dedicated anti-speeding patrol days in an attempt to combat speeding vessels in the harbour.


It was then:




That the report and the proposed email customer satisfaction survey be noted.




Topical Harbour Issues

oral update on various issues. 



The Harbour Master provided an update on topical harbour issues which could be of interest to the Board. 


In so doing, he made particular reference to:-


(a)    the recent Stand Up Paddle board race held at Kingsbridge.  It was noted that this national race with over 100 competitors had received very positive feedback and had helped to raise the profile of the Kingsbridge and Salcombe area;


(b)    the recent Future Strategy workshop.  Members commented that the recent workshop had been very well received and the Harbour Master was intending to write an outcome report and present it to the next Board meeting on 29 February 2016;


(c)    an update on the dredging programme.  The Board noted that the Invitation To Tender had been issued and it was intended that the contact would be awarded during week commencing 23 November 2015;


(d)    an incident management exercise.  Members were informed that an exercise would be undertaken on 3 December 2015 (starting at 8.30am and concluding at 1.30pm) and interested Members were more than welcome to attend this session;


(e)    an ongoing issue with the owners of the Rivermaid.  In stating their disappointment that there was no proper and regular service from Kingsbridge to Salcombe, Members felt that there was a need for officers to be robust in their approach and to inform the Council’s communications team in light of the potential public relations implications;


(f)      Egremont.  In providing an update, the Harbour Master advised that he had written twice to the owners of Egremont and was still awaiting a response.  For clarity, it was noted that the owners had paid their fees and changes up to 1 April 2016.


It was then:




That the update be noted.