Agenda and minutes

West Devon Audit & Governance Committee - Tuesday, 30th January, 2018 10.00 am

Venue: Chamber - Kilworthy Park. View directions

Contact: Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


* AC 21      

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Cann and Cllr Watts



Confirmation of Minutes pdf icon PDF 27 KB

Meeting held on 19 September 2018


* AC 22          

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 September 2017 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



KPMG Annual Audit Letter and Closure of the Audit Letter; pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Report of KPMG


* AC 23  

Mr Gilbert explained that there was nothing to add from the previous Audit meeting when the Annual Audit Letter and Closure of the Audit Letter was presented. He outlined the two areas of risk were shared costs and the pension scheme and controls were in place to address these. The Committee thanked the Finance Team for their work.



It was then RESOLVED that:


The KPMG Annual Audit Letter and Closure of the Audit Letter be noted.



KPMG Certificate of Claims and Returns -Annual Report 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of KPMG


* AC 24       

Mr Gilbert gave an unqualified report which he stated was very rare. He said it was a fantastic outcome for West Devon and South Hams. He reported that both Councils were his only clients to receive an unqualified report.


The Committee passed its thanks to the Housing Benefits team.


It was then RESOLVED that                          


The KPMG Certificate of Claims and Returns – Annual Report be noted.




KPMG External Audit Plan 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 6 MB

Report of KPMG


  *AC 25     

Mr Gilbert outlined the risk areas as property and equipment and pensions. External experts were used to evaluate property and equipment. Faster closure of accounts meant an accelerated timetable. End of May to publish draft Accounts and end of July to publish audited accounts.


There would be more risk as a greater use of estimates would have to be made, but there were plans in place to deal with them.


The Audit certificate could be delayed as this is the first year of the end of July deadline for audited accounts.


It was then:


RESOLVED that the KPMG External Plan 2017/18 be noted.




Update on the Appointment of the External Auditor for 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 21 KB



It was clarified that Grant Thornton had been appointed as External Auditors for 2018/19. Steve Johnson was likely to been assigned as the The Audit Manager                       

It was then:




That the update on the Appointment of the External Auditor for 2018/19 be noted.



Update on Progress of the 2017/18 Internal Audit Plan pdf icon PDF 410 KB

Report of the Internal Audit Manager


*AC 27     

The Chief Internal Auditor gave an update on the progress of the Internal Audit Plan. He reported 13 days lost through sickness would be Backfilled and time deferred into the 2018/2019 plan. Referring to the Grounds Maintenance and Health & Safety audits he said positive action was taking place.


Weaknesses in Business continuity were being addressed and findings would be emailed to the Chairman.


It was then:




That the Progress made against the 2017/18 internal audit plan and any key issues arising be approved.




Treasury Management Mid-Year Review pdf icon PDF 148 KB

Report of the Internal Audit Manager



The Committee is recommended to pass the following resolution:


“RESOLVED that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the Meeting on the grounds that exempt information may be disclosed as defined in the paragraph given below in bold type from Part I of Schedule 12(A) to the Act.”




*AC 28        

Cllr Edmonds took Members through the report.       


The Council’s current counterparty limit was £3 million and it was likely that this would be requested to be increased to £4 million in the 2018/19 Treasury Management Strategy. The Council would also look to widen its counterparty list.


It was then:




That the contents of the report be endorsed.




Cyber Security - Verbal Update

This document can be made available in large print, Braille, tape format, other languages or alternative format upon request. Please contact the Committee section on 01822 813662 or email



*AC 29         

(Resolved that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that exempt information is likely to be disclosed as defined in Paragraph 1 of Schedule 12(A) to the Act).


In response to a Member request, the Senior Specialist – ICT (Information Security) was in attendance to provide an exempt and informative update on the Council’s approach to cyber security.


After receiving a comprehensive update, the Committee was reassured and very pleased with the work that was being undertaken by officers to protect the Council against potential cyber attacks.