Agenda item

Joint Local Plan Update

Verbal Report of Place and Strategy Lead Specialist


*O&S(E) 6      

(Resolved that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that exempt information is likely to be disclosed as defined in Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12(A) to the Act).


The lead Hub Committee Member for the Local Plan provided an update to the Committee and, in so doing, made particular reference to:-


-         Cllr Baldwin and him being the two Council representatives on the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan Steering Group;

-         the Plan being worked upon by a combination of officers across Plymouth City Council, South Hams District Council and West Devon Borough Council;

-         the requirement for each partner authority to work together to ascertain actual housing need in the area.  To supplement this requirement, a consultant had been appointed to undertake a Housing Market Need Assessment on behalf of the authorities.  The Member confirmed that the draft Assessment had now been received and was being checked by officers to ensure that they were content with the facts and assumptions included;

-         the focus of future development in West Devon and South Hams being on market towns and the local centres;

-         Neighbourhood Plans.  Members were advised that one of the principles of the Joint Local Plan was that decisions should be taken locally and that Neighbourhood Plans would be a vital instrument in this regard;

-         a public consultation exercise that would commence on 1 July 2016;

-         the current focus being on the site allocation and housing need policies.  In the upcoming summer months, it was noted that other policies (including an Economy policy) would be developed.  In reply to a question, the Member confirmed that it was hoped that the Plan would ultimately be adopted by June/July 2017;

-         the main risks.  The Committee was advised that the main identified risks at this stage were further changes being made to national policy and the responses received during the aforementioned public consultation exercise.


In the ensuing discussion, particular reference was made to:-


(a)    the involvement of the Dartmoor National Park.  Whilst dialogue and co-operation was taking place with the National Park, it was confirmed that the organisation was not a member of the Local Plan Steering Group, mainly in light of its area of responsibility straddling two different housing market needs areas.  Whilst some concerns were expressed at this lack of representation, assurances were given to the Committee that working relations with the National Park were very positive;


(b)    housing allocations.  It was confirmed that the outcome of the Housing Needs Assessment would be that the Council would have a target number of houses that it would need to deliver across the West Devon borough;


(c)    the continued monitoring role of the Committee.  In recognising the importance of the Joint Local Plan, the Committee requested that this matter be retained as a standing agenda item for the foreseeable future;


(d)    support for Neighbourhood Planning Groups.  In light of neighbourhood plans being currently produced in a vacuum, a Member emphasised the importance of the Council re-convening meetings of the Neighbourhood Planning Groups Forum in order that they can receive some much needed support.  In reply, Members stated that, whilst the importance of Neighbourhood Plans could not be under-estimated in this process, the loss of central government funding in this regard was not helpful.


In conclusion, the Chairman thanked the lead Member for his informative presentation and honest responses to the questions raised by the Committee and it was then PROPOSED and SECONDED and when put to the vote declared CARRIED that: ‘the press and public be re-admitted to the meeting.’