Agenda item

Joint Local Plan: Standing Agenda Item


*O&S 84                    


As a Member of the Joint Local Plan (JLP) Joint Steering Group, Cllr Baldwin introduced the update and particularly highlighted that:


-        he wished to put on record his personal thanks and gratitude to Cllr Parker, for his tireless and constructive work on the JLP.  These wishes were proceeded to be echoed by Committee Members;

-        the Examination in Public (EiP) public roadshow was to take place at Kilworthy Park, Tavistock on 1 March 2018.  Cllr Baldwin advised the Committee that all Members were welcome to attend, but could only participate if they had already notified the Programme Office;

-        upon the conclusion of the EiP, the Inspector would prepare a report that identified what changes were required to the JLP in order for it to be deemed ‘sound’.  It is intended that the Inspectors’ report would be assessed by Council officers and presented to the Steering Group at its meeting on 3 April 2018;

-        most of the more significant issues to date had been in Plymouth and the South Hams;

-        the earliest that the JLP could be adopted was likely to be November 2018.  That being said, the JLP should carry more weight with Inspectors at Appeals following the conclusion on the EiP;

-        in addition to the Plan being adopted, it was equally important to regularly monitor it and take action to ensure that it was delivered and the requirement targets met;

-        it was not unusual for some of the requirement for new homes in one authority area to be built in a neighbouring authority area;

-        the Plan containing a logical hierarchy of settlements:

o  Plymouth City – where most of the new employment opportunities would arise;

o  The Main Towns (of which 4 were in the South Hams and 2 in West Devon (Okehampton and Tavistock);

o  Smaller Towns and Key Villages (e.g. Lifton, Hatherleigh and Bere Alston);

o  Villages that still remain some local facilities (e.g. a shop, public house and/or primary school).  Such Villages in West Devon include: Lewdown, Lamerton, Bridestowe and Spreyton.  Cllr Baldwin advised that indicative numbers of new housing had been established for these Villages and sites were expected to come forward in Neighbourhood Plans; and

o  Smaller Villages and Hamlets with few facilities, where development would only be permitted in exceptional circumstances.

-     the five year land supply.  Cllr Baldwin informed that the position was consistent with that reported to the last Committee meeting on 16 January 2018.  Officers had put in a concerted effort to meet with Developers to ascertain their intentions for major sites identified in the Borough (e.g. Callington Road and land East of Okehampton).  However, there were potential threats to achieving the required number of homes.  These were notably:

o  Falling house prices; and

o  Skills shortages in the construction industry.


In the ensuing debate, Cllr Baldwin was thanked for providing such a detailed update and a number of Members wished to again reiterate their previously raised concerns over the lack of clarity regarding whether or not the Council had a demonstrable five year land supply.