Agenda item

Notice of Motion

to consider the following motions received (if any) in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10.1


(a)    By Cllrs Pearce and Bastone


‘This Council notes that the fishing industry is a dangerous industry to work in with several lives lost across the UK each year. Such a tragic loss of life has a far reaching impact upon the fisherman’s family, friends and community. Personal Flotation Devices and Personal Locator Beacons would greatly improve the chances of the fisherman being rescued. Unfortunately not all fishermen can afford this equipment.


Therefore this Council requests the Group Manager – Commercial Services to make an application to the Marine Management Organisation for funding through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund to fully fund the purchase of Personal Flotation Devices equipped with Personal Locator Beacons and to develop a delivery scheme in partnership with the local fishing industry. This would ensure that those local fishermen who would struggle financially to buy one of these potentially lifesaving pieces of equipment can be provided to them at no cost.

This Council also requests the Head of Paid Service to write to the Local Government Association to request they encourage all other councils with fishing communities to follow suit and support the fishing industry nationally.’


(b)    By Cllrs Smerdon and Foss


‘This Council is extremely concerned that the continual closure of local high street banks and village post offices is causing hardship to sections of our rural communities and small businesses, we will ask the LGA to press the government to address this matter with urgency.’



(c)    By Cllr Hawkins and Pringle


‘South Hams District Council encourages moves to reduce the use of single use plastics in the District and will lead by example and commit to finding ways to prevent the need for single use plastic items at all of its premises.’


(d)    By Cllrs Green and Hodgson


‘In all instances where a planning application is submitted following pre-application advice having been given by SHDC, this pre-application advice will be published on the Council’s “Search for a Planning Application” facility during the consultation period prior to determination.’


(e)    By Cllrs Hodgson and Green


‘SHDC has concerns over the rising number of people living illegally on the roadside in caravans, campervans and commercial vehicles in the District.  As a matter of urgency, a strategy will be developed to determine how best to provide properly serviced pitches to accommodate these residents and land will be sought in order to secure suitable sites. Those that are on low incomes who do not identify as traditional gypsies and travellers will be recognised as a new group of residents who also need a safe pitch for their vehicles.’




It was noted that five motions had been received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10.1.


(a)    By Cllrs Pearce and Bastone


‘This Council notes that the fishing industry is a dangerous industry to work in with several lives lost across the UK each year. Such a tragic loss of life has a far reaching impact upon the fisherman’s family, friends and community. Personal Flotation Devices and Personal Locator Beacons would greatly improve the chances of the fisherman being rescued. Unfortunately not all fishermen can afford this equipment.

Therefore this Council requests the Group Manager – Commercial Services to make an application to the Marine Management Organisation for funding through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund to fully fund the purchase of Personal Flotation Devices equipped with Personal Locator Beacons and to develop a delivery scheme in partnership with the local fishing industry. This would ensure that those local fishermen who would struggle financially to buy one of these potentially lifesaving pieces of equipment can be provided to them at no cost.

This Council also requests the Head of Paid Service to write to the Local Government Association to request they encourage all other councils with fishing communities to follow suit and support the fishing industry nationally.’

In introducing the motion, the proposer made reference to:-


-         her amazement that, whilst you were required to wear a seat belt in modes of transport including a car and an aeroplane, there was no similar obligation to wear a Personal Flotation Device on a boat;

-         these Devices being very comfortable to wear.  In acknowledging that fishermen could not be forced to wear these Devices, she was confident that the overwhelming majority would choose to;

-         funding for the Devices.  Whilst the Marine Management Organisation would not fully funded these Devices, the Boards of both Salcombe and Dart Harbour had agreed in principle to fund the shortfall (estimated as being 15-20% of the total purchase price).


During the ensuing debate, the following points were raised:-


(i)      A Member highlighted that fishermen had been fully involved in the development of these Devices;


(ii)     Some Members emphasised the risky nature of the fishing industry and stressed that the lives of fishermen could be saved by them wearing these Devices;


(iii)    In total support of the motion, some Members felt that the roll out of these Devices should be extended to include the wider maritime industry and specifically those staff members who operated the Dartmouth Lower Ferry.


It was then:


This Council notes that the fishing industry is a dangerous industry to work in with several lives lost across the UK each year. Such a tragic loss of life has a far reaching impact upon the fisherman’s family, friends and community. Personal Flotation Devices and Personal Locator Beacons would greatly improve the chances of the fisherman being rescued. Unfortunately not all fishermen can afford this equipment.

Therefore this Council requests the Group Manager – Commercial Services to make an application to the Marine Management Organisation for funding through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund to fully fund the purchase of Personal Flotation Devices equipped with Personal Locator Beacons and to develop a delivery scheme in partnership with the local fishing industry. This would ensure that those local fishermen who would struggle financially to buy one of these potentially lifesaving pieces of equipment can be provided to them at no cost.

This Council also requests the Head of Paid Service to write to the Local Government Association to request they encourage all other councils with fishing communities to follow suit and support the fishing industry nationally.


(b)   By Cllrs Smerdon and Foss


‘This Council is extremely concerned that the continual closure of local high street banks and village post offices is causing hardship to sections of our rural communities and small businesses, we will ask the LGA to press the government to address this matter with urgency.’


In his introduction, the proposer highlighted that:-


-         in excess of 1,000 local high street banks and village post offices had closed in the last two years;

-         Wales, Scotland and South West England had been the worst affected areas for these closures;

-         there was a need to press Central Government to reverse this trend;

-         these closures were having a significant impact upon the elderly and most vulnerable members of the community.  In addition, this impact was heightened in rural communities.


In discussion, particular reference was made to:-


(a)       an amendment being PROPOSED and SECONDED as follows:


This Council also advises and encourages all of its parish councils on how to register village Post Offices as ‘Assets of Community Value’.”

In support of the amendment, the proposer felt that the original motion was too vague and there was a need to be more pro-active and increase the pressure on Central Government in this respect.  Furthermore, the proposer stressed the need to look at tightening local planning policies to prevent any change of use applications from being submitted.


In echoing his support, another Member was of the view that the Council could be encouraging residents and tourists alike to be using our local town centres by reducing car parking charges.


Other Members expressed their concerns over the amendment that, in summary, were:


o  the purpose of registering an ‘Asset of Community Value’ was to ensure the protection of a building as opposed to a business.  As a result, the merits of supporting this amendment were therefore questioned;

o  that the proposed addition would dilute the thrust of the original motion; and

o  that local Ward Members should already be informing their parish councils on how to register an Asset of Community Value regardless of whether or not this amendment was supported.


When put to the vote, the amendment was declared LOST.


(b)       the need for local communities to use these facilities or risk losing them;


(c)        accessing online services.  Some Members emphasised that a number of residents did not access services such as online banking and were reliant upon the face-to-face contact provided by local high street banks and village post offices.


It was then:



This Council is extremely concerned that the continual closure of local high street banks and village post offices is causing hardship to sections of our rural communities and small businesses, we will ask the LGA to press the government to address this matter with urgency.



(c)    By Cllrs Hawkins and Pringle


‘South Hams District Council encourages moves to reduce the use of single use plastics in the District and will lead by example and commit to finding ways to prevent the need for single use plastic items at all of its premises.’

In his introduction, the proposer informed that:


-        a similarly worded motion had been recently approved by Devon County Council;

-         it was vitally important that all local authorities did everything they could to reduce the use of single use plastics;

-         there was an intention for the Estuaries Officer to set up an informal Group involving interested Members to develop a policy for town and parish councils to adopt.


In the ensuing debate, the following points were raised:-


(a) A number of Members highlighted the momentum that had been gained following the recent Planet Earth television series and were fully supportive of the motion;


(b) It was confirmed that any interested Members who wished to be involved in the policy development for town and parish councils should contact the Estuaries Officer;


(c) In addition to highlighting that Ivybridge Town Council had similarly passed a motion to reduce the use of single use plastics, a Member also made reference to the work of the ‘Fishing for Litter’ organisation that had been established to reduce the amount of marine litter in the sea.


It was then:



South Hams District Council encourages moves to reduce the use of single use plastics in the District and will lead by example and commit to finding ways to prevent the need for single use plastic items at all of its premises.


(d)  By Cllrs Green and Hodgson

In all instances where a planning application is submitted following pre-application advice having been given by SHDC, this pre-application advice will be published on the Council’s “Search for a Planning Application” facility during the consultation period prior to determination.’


Prior to proposing his motion, Cllr Green advised that, having been made aware of the imminent review of the pre-application process, it was his wish to PROPOSE an amended motion that read as follows:-


That the review of the pre-application process considers that, in all instances where a planning application is submitted following pre-application advice having been given by SHDC, this pre-application advice will be published on the Council’s “Search for a Planning Application” facility during the consultation period prior for determination.’


This alternative motion was subsequently SECONDED.


In debate, reference was made to an amendment to the motion that was PROPOSED and SECONDED to read as follows:

Further this Council endorses the Government’s Guidance on Pre-Applications set out in a document dated 6 March 2014 that states:


“Democratically elected Members are strongly encouraged to participate at the Pre-Application Stage where it is appropriate and beneficial for them to do so.”


In the case of this Council, participation should include the attendance at meetings between planning officers and the applicant as well as being copied into key documents.”


In support of their amendment, the proposer and seconder felt that there was a definite need for increased Member involvement in the pre-application process.  That being said, other Members were concerned with the final sentence being too restrictive and potentially pre-empting the outcome of the review.  In addition, this practice was already felt to be taking place with examples being cited in which Members had requested to be kept regularly informed on specific pre-applications.  Finally, there was concerns raised that Members of the Development Management Committee could be placing themselves in a difficult position in the event of this aspect of the amendment being approved.


As a result of these views, the proposer and seconder requested that the final sentence be deleted from their amendment.


At this point, the proposer and seconder of the motion confirmed their willingness to accept the amendment, which therefore became part of the substantive motion.


It was then:



That the review of the pre-application process considers that in all instances where a planning application is submitted following pre-application advice having been given by SHDC, this pre-application advice will be published on the Council’s “Search for a Planning Application” facility during the consultation period prior to determination.

Further this Council endorses the Government’s Guidance on Pre-Applications set out in a Document dated 6 March 2014 that states:

Democratically elected Members are strongly encouraged to participate at the Pre-Application Stage where it is appropriate and beneficial for them to do so.”



(e)    By Cllrs Hodgson and Green


‘SHDC has concerns over the rising number of people living illegally on the roadside in caravans, campervans and commercial vehicles in the District.  As a matter of urgency, a strategy will be developed to determine how best to provide properly serviced pitches to accommodate these residents and land will be sought in order to secure suitable sites. Those that are on low incomes who do not identify as traditional gypsies and travellers will be recognised as a new group of residents who also need a safe pitch for their vehicles.’


In her introduction, the proposer highlighted that:


o  she was aware of 10 illegal encampments in her ward in December 2017;

o  there appeared to be a group of people that were currently not recognised;

o  she would personally rather live in a camper van than be homeless and there was a definite need to make progress in this regard.


During the debate, reference was made to:


(a)   the term ‘living illegally on the roadside….’ being factually incorrect.  Some Members took issue with this inaccuracy and did not wish to see this group of residents being wrongly criminalised.  As a result, the proposer and seconder amended their motion to read ‘living unauthorised on the roadside…’;


(b)   those on ‘low incomes’.  A Member informed that she took real issue with the reference in the motion to ‘low incomes’ and questioned how this was defined and felt it was not the role of the Council to judge who was (and was not) on a low income.  In reply, the seconder clarified that the intention of this reference was that such provision would only be relevant to those who were on low incomes;


(c)   the budgetary implications.  In the event of this motion being approved, it was estimated that the purchase price of an appropriate piece of land would be in the region of £500,000.  Furthermore, it was likely to cost in the region of another £500,000 to provide 16 pitches on this piece of land.  When considering the Council’s severe budget pressures coupled with the fact that responsibility was outside of the remit of this Council, a number of Members stated that they could not support approval of this motion;


(d)   the assessed need for three pitches.  It was noted that the Joint Local Plan had identified a need for three pitches in the South Hams.  Since planning permission had already been granted for two pitches, there was a need to supply one further site;


(e)   use of such sites.  Some Members made the point that, even if such sites were provided, the Council had no ability to force these residents to use them.  In addition, a Member made the point that there was likely to be some reluctance amongst these residents to paying rent;


(f)    the number of caravan sites in the South Hams.  A Member highlighted the number of caravan sites located in the South Hams and felt a possible solution could be for some of these to be made available for this purpose during the winter months;


(g)  the lack of low income housing.  Some Members were of the view that this problem was a consequence of a lack of availability of low income housing;


(h)   a need for research to be undertaken into this matter.  Some Members recognised the intention of the motion and requested that more research be undertaken on this issue.


When put to the vote, the motion was declared LOST.