Agenda item

Planning Applications

To see Letters of Representation and further supplementary information relating to any of the Applications on the agenda, please select the following link and enter the relevant Planning Reference number:




The Committee considered the details of the planning applications prepared by the Planning Case Officers as presented in the agenda papers, and considered also the comments of Town and Parish Councils together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda reports, and RESOLVED that:


3230/17/FUL       Skerries, South Milton

Parish:  South Milton


Demolition of existing house to rebuild new dwelling


Case Officer Update:    South Milton has an emerging Neighbourhood Plan; this is a material consideration and as such must be given weight  


Speakers included:       Supporter – Mr Nick Stafford: Parish Council representative – Cllr Paul Davies; local Ward Members – Cllrs Pearce and Wright


Recommendation:     Conditional Approval


During discussion, one Member was concerned that a full ecology report had not been submitted, particularly in light of issues raised regarding birds and bats and the position of the property on their flightpaths.  A number of Members raised concerns over the design of the proposal and stated that it was in the wrong place as it did not fit with the more traditional style of neighbouring properties.  Members also supported the parish council view that the proposal should be set down in a similar way to a house further along the road that was currently under construction.  Other Members praised the contemporary design and drew comparisons with a nearby property that was similar in design, although even in praising the design, some Members were concerned at the impact of the proposal on the SSSI.  


Committee Decision: Refusal




1. The development, by reason of its massing and design, including the level of glazing, represents an incongruous and inharmonious addition to the street scene which fails to conserve the character and scenic beauty of the AONB and undeveloped coast nor conform adequately to local distinctiveness. The proposal is therefore in conflict with policies DP1 and DP2 of the South Hams Development Polices DPD, policies CS7 and CS9 of the South Hams Core Strategy DPD, policies DEV1 and DEV2 of the emerging Joint Local Plan, policy Environment & Coastal Management 1: Landscape Policy and policy H4 of the emerging South Milton Neighbourhood Plan, and the relevant paragraphs of the National Planning Policy Framework


2. It has not been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority that the proposed development would not cause material harm to the local bird population that utilise the South Milton Ley SSSI. The scheme is therefore in conflict with policy DP5 of the South Hams Development Policies DPD, policy CS10 of the South Hams Core Strategy DPD and the relevant paragraphs of the National Planning Policy Framework.


2267/17/VAR       Farleigh Meadows, Diptford, Totnes

Parish:  Diptford

Variation of condition 3 of planning consent 17/1854/11/F to allow stables to be used for an equine business


Case Officer Update:     None


Speakers included:       Objector – Mr John Foster:  Supporter – Mr Barry James:  Parish Council representative – Cllr Sue Franklin:  local Ward Members – Cllrs Smerdon and Steer


Recommendation:       Conditional Approval


Members were advised of the previous application on this site, and that in view of the support from the agricultural consultant, the only issue for consideration was highways impact.  The Highways Authority had not objected to this application.  The speakers raised a number of points that were not material planning considerations and these were not taken into account by the Committee.  Members did however question the effectiveness of the proposal put forward by the applicant to monitor vehicle traffic to the site.  Some Members wanted to support rural business, and in line with there being no objection from the Highways Authority, it was PROPOSED, SECONDED and on being to the vote declared LOST that the application be approved. 


Committee Decision:  Refusal




1.The roads giving access to the site are by reason of their inadequate width, poor horizontal alignment and junction are unsuitable to accommodate the increase in traffic likely to be generated by the business use and the development would, therefore be contrary to paragraph 32 of the National Planning Policy Framework

2. The proposed development would be likely to result in an increase in the volume of traffic entering and leaving the County Road through an access which does not provide adequate visibility from and of emerging vehicles, contrary to paragraph 32 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

3. It has not been demonstrated that there is adequate land available for the number of horses to be kept on the land proposed to support this business, contrary to Policy DP18 of the South Hams Local Development Framework Development Policies, 2010.

4. The Section 106 Unilateral Undertaking submitted in support of this application would not deliver the level of traffic control as proposed by the applicant, in particular it makes no provision for the use of CCTV cameras to record vehicle registration numbers that visit the site. In the absence of a suitable Section 106 Obligation the means of traffic control proposed by the applicant could not be enforced, to the detriment of highway safety.



2012/17/FUL       Farleigh Meadows, Diptford, Totnes

Parish:  Diptford


Use of land for siting a timber chalet as accommodation for a key worker in support of an equine breeding business for an initial period of 3 years (Resubmission of withdrawn application 0355/17/FUL)


Case Officer Update:    In view of the previous application being refused, the officer recommendation for this application was that the application should be refused.


Speakers included:       Objector – Mr John Foster:  Supporter – Mr Barry James:  Parish Council representative – Cllr Sue Franklin:  local Ward Members – Cllrs Smerdon and Steer


Recommendation:     Refusal


Committee Decision:Refusal




The development would represent unsustainable development due to the remote location of the site from the services and facilities of a settlement. As such it would be contrary to Policies CS1 and DP15 of the South Hams Local Development Framework, Policy TTV31 of the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan and the objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework.



4325/17/PAT       Highways land adjacent car park, Huxhams Cross to Shinners Bridge, Dartington

Parish:  Dartington


Application for prior notification of proposed development by telecommunications code systems operators for a 10 metre replica telegraph pole and 2 no. equipment cabinets


Case Officer Update:    Three further letters of objection received not raising any new issues but one of the letters was from Dartington Primary School.  One further letter of support received.


Speakers included:       Objector – Mr Chris Edwards:  local Ward Member – Cllr Hodgson


During discussion, some Members raised concerns over the siting of the pole in proximity to three schools.  Whilst the applicant had included 21 alternative sites considered within their submission, the local Ward Member asked that the application be refused in its current proposed location and that the local parish council would be keen to negotiate with the applicant to locate a more suitable site.  It was PROPOSED, SECONDED and on being put to the vote declared LOST that the application be refused.  Other Members accepted that the location was acceptable, and in view of the applicant having had a previous application refused on grounds of height, felt that measures had been taken to address previous concerns and make this application acceptable.


Recommendation:       Prior Approval Not Required


Committee Decision:  Prior Approval Not Required




3342/17/TPO       The Gothic House, 4 Bank Lane, Totnes

 Parish:  Woodleigh


Proposed works:  T1 – Silver Birch - FELL


Case Officer Update:   None



Speakers included:        local Ward Members – Cllr Green (statement read), and Cllr Vint


Members discussed this application in great detail and views were mixed.  Whilst some Members wanted to retain the tree, others could see the benefit of felling the tree to better show off the Gothic House and appreciated that it would be replaced with a garden design more in keeping with the original plans for the property.  It was initially PROPOSED, SECONDED and on being put to the vote declared LOST by Chairman’s casting vote that permission to fell the tree be refused.


Recommendation:     Conditional Approval


Committee Decision:Conditional Approval



Supporting documents: