Agenda item

Revenue Budget and Capital Programme Proposals 2018/19 - Cllr Sanders



Members were presented with a comprehensive report that set out the latest financial position for West Devon Borough Council including the savings realised through shared services with South Hams District Council, the revised projected budget gap following the work undertaken in the Members’ Budget Workshop, and the formation of a cross party Member Group to look at options for securing financial stability in the longer term.


The Leader introduced the report and he and the s151 Officer responded to questions.  Members had a detailed debate on this Item, and during discussion, the following points were raised:


·       One Member raised concerns over the proposal to introduce a fee for the duty planning service, as he felt the charge would discourage people from using the service and the resulting impact would be on planning officers who were already busy;

·       The fees charged for car parking would cover the costs of provision of the service rather than being referred to as an income target;

·       The Lead Member for Commercial Services provided a comprehensive update of the outcomes of the Car Parking Strategy Group meeting and confirmed that a written update would be circulated to all Members.  Some Members felt that modelling should be undertaken to assess the impact of reducing car park charges rather than increase them;

·       Members debated going paperless, some Members supported whilst other Members raised concerns.  It was agreed that the proposed saving should remain;

·       Members had a lengthy debate on Appendix F.  Some Members noted the financial situation that the Council would be in when balancing the budget for 2019/20, and stated that every penny was vitally important.  Other Members appreciated the work of the groups and organisations listed within Appendix F and wanted to continue to support them financially.  During discussion an amendment was PROPOSED, SECONDED and on being put to the vote declared LOST, that the grant to Devon Youth Games be reinstated.  An amendment was then PROPOSED, SECONDED and on being put to the vote declared CARRIED, that the grant to OCRA be reinstated.  A further amendment was then PROPOSED, SECONDED and on being put to the vote declared LOST, that the proposed cut in grant to both CAB and CVS be deferred for a further year;

·       Members had a discussion regarding the proposal to reduce the membership of the Hub Committee.  Concerns were raised over the additional workload on Hub Members if the Committee reduced in size to six.  It was then PROPOSED, SECONDED and on being put to the vote declared CARRIED, that the reduction in Hub Committee membership be deferred to the Political Structures Working Group for further consideration with the potential saving therefore being removed from the list.


In concluding the debate on this item, Members discussed the importance of early work in preparation for budget setting the following year.  The Executive Director (SD&CD) confirmed that work would start on the budget for 2019/20 once the budget for 2018/19 had been finalised.  The Leader confirmed that a range of issues would need positive action by April 2018 including options being presented regarding the future of Kilworthy Park, that the Invest to Earn Group would be coming forward with a proposal in the near future and that other sources of income should be being investigated.


ItwasthenRESOLVED that Council be RECOMMENDED:


(i)          To set an increase in Council Tax for 2018-19 of 2.99% Band D of £224.91 for 2018-19 – an increase of 13 pence per week or £6.52 per year). This equates to a Council Tax Requirement of £4,524,706 as per Appendix B.


(ii)        To approve the financial pressures shown in Appendix A of £674,500.


(iii)       To approve the contributions to Earmarked Reserves of £60,000.


(iv)      To approve the reductions in Partnership funding levels of £26,000 as set out in Appendix F (as amended in the detailed minutes above).


(v)        To approve the proposed savings of £794,600 as shown in Appendix A.


(vi)      That £560,000 of New Homes Bonus funding is used to fund the 2018-19 Revenue Budget as shown in Appendix A and Appendix C.


(vii)     To delegate to the S151 Officer, in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader to agree the final amount of New Homes Bonus funding for the Dartmoor National Park Sustainable Community Fund for 18/19.


(viii) That a collection fund surplus of £96,000 is utilised in 18-19.


(ix)  To transfer the 2018-19 budget surplus of £248,928 into Reserves to assist with future financial sustainability (as detailed in 1.9).


(x)   That the Total Net Expenditure of the Council is £7,289,624 for 2018-19.


(xi)   That the Council Tax Support Grant paid to Town and Parish     Councils is reduced by 8.6% for 2018/19 as per Appendix A. This equates to a payment of £64,744 for 2018/19.


(xii)   That the fees and charges set out in Appendix H are approved.


(xiii)  The 2018/19 Capital Programme projects as per Appendix C are approved.


(xiv)  The financing of the Capital Programme as per Appendix C.


(xv) That the level of reserves as set out within this report and the assessment of their adequacy and the robustness of  budget estimates  be noted. This is a requirement of Part 2 of the Local Government Act 2003.

Supporting documents: