Agenda item


to consider the following questions received (if any) in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 8:


(a)     From Cllr Baldry to Cllr Tucker, Leader of the Council


‘For the 2017 Overview and Scrutiny Panel Budget meeting, will the Constitution of the Council be changed in order that all Members may play a part, including full voting?’


(b)     From Cllr Baldry to Cllr Wright, lead Executive Member for Support Services


‘As you know, the Government has set all public sector employers an annual target of apprentices making up 2.3% of the workforce.  What percentage of SHDC employees are apprentices?”


(c)     From Cllr Baldry to Cllr Wright, lead Executive Member for Support Services


‘Publicity issued by SHDC, other local authorities and the government traditionally quotes Band D properties as ‘the Average’.  The use of the term ‘average’ is statistically questionable in this context.  Across the District, what is the percentage of residential Council Tax paying properties in each Council Tax band?”


(d)     From Cllr Hodgson to Cllr Tucker, Leader of the Council


‘When will the public along with Town and Parish Councils be consulted on the Devolution Bid that has now been submitted to the Secretary of State for Local Communities?  Can the Leader assure us that this will be a comprehensive consultation where all elements of the bid will be open to comment and input from the public and with widespread promotion to ensure full public awareness and engagement in the process?”


(e)     From Cllr Hodgson to Cllr Tucker, Leader of the Council


‘Further to my question asked at full Council on 8 October 2015 and again on 10 December 2015, please can the Leader update us on the situation with regard to the Syrian refugee resettlement programme that I understand this Council is supporting?  With the further commitment of the UK Government to take 3,000 unaccompanied children and the recent atrocities of bombing refugee camps and hospitals within Syria, this humanitarian crisis and the role of local authorities has now become even more urgent.


Please can the Leader confirm that this Council is committed to playing its part in welcoming, supporting and accommodating its fair share of refugees including unaccompanied children; will he write to the Prime Minister to assure him that South Hams District Council stands ready and willing to help at this time of crisis?







It was noted that five questions had been received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 8.


            From Cllr Baldry to Cllr Tucker, Leader of the Council


(a)  ‘For the 2017 Overview and Scrutiny Panel Budget meeting, will the Constitution of the Council be changed in order that all Members may play a part, including full voting?’


In reply, Cllr Tucker advised that he saw no reason to change the Constitution of the Council at this time. Currently, all Members of the Council had the ability to take part at the Panel Budget meeting.  In addition, all Members had a vote at the full Council meeting when the Budget was ultimately approved.



In asking a supplementary question, Cllr Baldry was of the view that there was a democratic deficit in the current decision-making process and urged a re-think.  In response, the Leader informed that he would ensure that this matter is considered by the Political Structures Working Group.


From Cllr Baldry to Cllr Wright, lead Executive Member for Support Services


(b)  ‘As you know, the Government has set all public sector employers an annual target of apprentices making 2.3% of the workforce.  What percentage of SHDC employees are apprentices?’


In response, Cllr Wright informed that:


-the proposed 2.3% (from April 2017) would, based upon the current head count of Council staff, result in the need for 9 apprentices to be employed by the Council;

-the Council currently employed 3 apprentices.  However, subject to Council approval, it was hoped that an additional 13 apprentices would be taken on before the end of 2016.  In the future, Cllr Wright hoped that the number of employed apprentices would be maintained at this level and work was ongoing with local schools and colleges in an attempt to build up relationships.  In support of this point, Cllr Wright presented some photographs that illustrated how the Council had recently been represented at a careers event at Exeter University.





From Cllr Baldry to Cllr Wright, lead Executive Member for Support Services


(c)   Publicity issued by SHDC, other local authorities and the government traditionally quotes Band D properties as ‘the Average’.  The use of the term ‘average’ is statistically questionable in this context.  Across the District, what is the percentage of residential Council Tax paying properties in each Council Tax band?”


In response, Cllr Wright advised that the Band D definition was recognised as being the ‘average’ in line with the criteria set out in the Local Government Finance Act 1992.


In replying to a supplementary question, Cllr Wright stated that any wish to change this definition would require the lobbying of central government.


From Cllr Hodgson to Cllr Tucker, Leader of the Council


(d)  ‘‘When will the public along with Town and Parish Councils be consulted on the Devolution Bid that has now been submitted to the Secretary of State for Local Communities?  Can the Leader assure us that this will be a comprehensive consultation where all elements of the bid will be open to comment and input from the public and with widespread promotion to ensure full public awareness and engagement in the process?”


In light of there being no requirement to formally consult on the Devolution Bid at this time, Cllr Tucker responded that there were no plans at this time to follow this course of action.  This view was expressed in light of it being considered very difficult to consult until it was known what was being proposed by Central Government.  However, the Council would release relevant information to the Bid on its website and via social media as and when it became available.


In response to a supplementary question, Cllr Tucker stated that, in light of the time delay, he did not see any merit in responding to the Parliamentary Committee with regard to its views expressed on 25 January 2016.


                     From Cllr Hodgson to Cllr Tucker, Leader of the Council


(e)“Further to my question asked at full Council on 8 October 2015 and again on 10 December 2015, please can the Leader update us on the situation with regard to the Syrian refugee resettlement programme that I understand this Council is supporting?  With the further commitment of the UK Government to take 3,000 unaccompanied children and the recent atrocities of bombing refugee camps and hospitals within Syria, this humanitarian crisis and the role of local authorities has now become even more urgent.


Please can the Leader confirm that this Council is committed to playing its part in welcoming, supporting and accommodating its fair share of refugees including unaccompanied children; will he write to the Prime Minister to assure him that South Hams District Council stands ready and willing to help at this time of crisis?”


Cllr Tucker replied that the Council remained committed to taking refugees and was still working with Devon County Council in this respect.  The Council remained committed and a report was due to be considered by the Executive at its meeting on 16 June 2016.  This report would ultimately seek Council approval to participate in the national Syrian Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme.


With regard to the 3,000 unaccompanied children, it was the responsibility of Devon County Council (who were responsible for Children’s Services and Education) and the district council would not get consulted in this regard.


In his supplementary question, Cllr Tucker reinforced the point that the Council’s approach to the resettlement programme was undertaken in partnership with the county council.