Agenda item

Medium Term Financial Position 2018/19 Onwards


*O&S 66        

Members were presented with a report that asked for consideration of the draft Budget proposals for 2018-19.


In discussion, the following points were raised:-


(a)    Some Members expressed their disappointment that the findings of the Financial Stability Member Working Group were not ready in time for consideration at this meeting.  In accepting the point, some Members of the Working Group advised that the Group recommendations were likely to have a greater impact on the Budget setting process for 2019/20 and beyond;


(b)    A Member expressed her wish that, as part of its review into car parking charges for 2018/19, the Car Parking Strategy Group give serious consideration to all fee paying car parks.  The Member also requested that this review include an investigation into the merits of whether or not Kilworthy Park Car Park should be added to the list of fee paying car parks.  Another Member was of the view that the additional income target for car parking was too ambitious, particularly in light of the suggestion that an increase in parking fees would have no impact on usage;


(c)    In response to some queries relating to Housing Benefit recoveries of overpayments, it was noted that a detailed report on this matter would be presented to the Audit Committee meeting on 20 March 2018.  Similarly, in reply to a question regarding the Council’s current Treasury Management performance, officers also informed that the latest Strategy would be considered by the Hub Committee at its meeting on 13 March 2018;


(d)    Having been assured that there would be a number of alternative options (e.g. the ability to pay by cash or cheques via Paypoint or at a local Post Office), it was PROPOSED and SECONDED and when put to the vote declared CARRIED that:


The Committee support the proposal to remove the facility for accepting cash and cheques at Council premises (excluding Car Parks) from 1 April 2018.’


(e)    Such were the severe budgetary pressures facing the Council that the Committee was supportive of the proposal to close the Okehampton office.  Indeed, it was PROPOSED and SECONDED and when put to the vote declared CARRIED that:


Subject to a Communication Plan being produced in consultation with local ward Members and an alternative service provision being available, the Okehampton office should be closed with effect from 1 April 2018, resulting in a saving of £82,000.’


(f)     Due to its unpredictable nature, a Member of the Invest to Earn Working Group warned that the income target of £100,000 that was proposed to be built into the Council’s Base Budget from investments in commercial property was by no means guaranteed;


(g)    A number of Members expressed their serious reservations at the proposal to implement a practice whereby Committee agendas are not printed and posted out to Members.  As a result, it was PROPOSED and SECONDED and when put to the vote declared CARRIED that:


The Hub Committee be advised that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee has serious concerns at the proposal to no longer print and post out Committee agendas to Members.’


(h)    With regard to the recommendations of the Partnership Task and Finish Group (as outlined at Appendix F of the presented agenda report), a detailed debate ensued.


In support of the recommendations, some Members highlighted that the Council had entrusted a Task and Finish Group to undertake a review and their views should be supported.  In addition, other Members stated that, in light of the budgetary pressures facing the Council, it was absolutely necessary for such difficult (and unpopular) decisions to be taken.


In contrast, other Members emphasised the reputational damage arising from these recommendations and particular concerns were highlighted over the proposed reductions to the CVS, CAB and the Tavistock and Okehampton Ring and Ride Schemes.  As a result, the following motion was PROPOSED and SECONDED as follows:


That the Partnership Task and Finish Group recommendations be supported, with the exception of those related to the CVS, CAB and the Tavistock and Okehampton Ring and Ride Schemes.  In respect of those four Partnerships, their funding levels for 2018/19 should be retained at the 2017/18 level to enable for the success of the Community Lottery Scheme to be evaluated next year.’


When put to the vote, this motion was declared LOST.


It was then PROPOSED and SECONDED and when put to the vote declared CARRIED that:-


The Committee support each of the recommendations of the Partnership Task and Finish Group (as outlined at Appendix F of the presented agenda report).’



(i)      With regard to the proposed increase in Council Tax for 2018/19, the meeting was of the view that, whilst it was again regrettable, the Council had no choice other than to increase Council Tax for 2018/19 by 2.99% and a motion was PROPOSED and SECONDED and when put to the vote declared CARRIED to that effect.


It was then:




That, as part of the 2018/19 Budget Setting process, the Hub Committee take into account the views of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (as detailed in the minutes above).


Supporting documents: