Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

Members are invited to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting;



Members and officers were invited to declare any interests in the items of business to be considered and the following were made:


Cllr R Foss declared a personal interest in application number 2821/17/FUL:  Revised application for the conversion of Bovisand Fort and associated buildings, removal of one building, and construction of new towers, an apartment building, 11 new dwellings, new quayside commercial accommodation and conservation of historic fabric, together with associated landscaping, parking and re-establishment of the link to the coastal footpath, creating a total of 81 residential units, office, teaching/studio space, event space, visitor centre and facilities, café and relocation of MOD space and additional commercial space – Fort Bovisand, Bovisand, by virtue of the applicant having a ‘care of’ address of a company that he also used and he remained in the meeting and took part in the debate and vote thereon;


Cllr R Steer declared a personal interest, on behalf of Conservative group Members of the committee, in application 1812/17/OPA:  Outline application with all matters reserved for erection of circa 25 no. age restricted (55+) bungalow/chalet bungalow dwellings, allotments, public open space and visitor car park – proposed development site at SX 550 523, Land at Venn Farm, Brixton, by virtue of the landowner being a Conservative group Member.  Members remained in the meeting for the duration of this item and took part in the vote thereon;


Cllr J Hodgson declared a personal interest in application number

3360/17/FUL:  Development of 49.99MW Battery Storage Facility with associated infrastructure and landscaping – Land at SX 774 647, Riverford Farm, Staverton by virtue of the objector being known to her through friends.  She remained in the meeting for the duration of this item and took part in the vote thereon;


Cllr T Holway declared a personal interest in application - 2964/17/FUL:  Proposed construction of dwelling, with associated access, parking and landscaping works – Plot adjacent Old Coastguard Store, East Prawle by virtue of knowing the applicant and he remained in the meeting and took part in the debate and vote thereon;


Cllr D Brown declared a personal interest in the following planning applications that were sited within the South Devon AONB by virtue of being a Member of the South Devon AONB Partnership Committee and remained in the meeting and took part in the debate and vote thereon:


-         2821/17/FUL:  Revised application for the conversion of Bovisand Fort and associated buildings, removal of one building, and construction of new towers, an apartment building, 11 new dwellings, new quayside commercial accommodation and conservation of historic fabric, together with associated landscaping, parking and reestablishment of the link to the coastal footpath, creating a total of 81 residential units, office, teaching/studio space, event space, visitor centre and facilities, café and relocation of MOD space and additional commercial space – Fort Bovisand, Bovisand

-         1812/17/OPA:  Outline application with all matters reserved for erection of circa 25 no. age restricted (55+) bungalow/chalet bungalow dwellings, allotments, public open space and visitor car park – proposed development site at SX 550 523, Land at Venn Farm, Brixton

-         2027/17/HHO:  Householder application for refurbishment and renovation of existing cottage, new garage/boat store and replacement of rear extension including a new roof terrace – Brook Bakery, Riverside Road West, Newton Ferrers;

-         25/1720/15/O:  Outline application with some matters reserved for erection of 14 no. dwellings, provision of community car park, allotment gardens, access and associated works – Proposed development site at SX 612 502, land north of Church Hill, Holbeton;

-         2964/17/FUL:  Proposed construction of dwelling, with associated access, parking and landscaping works – Plot adjacent Old Coastguard Store, East Prawle.