Agenda item

Our Plan Update

to consider a report that updates Members on the status of Our Plan, in particular the Development Plan element of the plan



Members considered a report that updated them on the status of Our Plan, in particular the Development Plan element of the Plan.  It made recommendations for next steps which involved an adapted approach focussed around the Housing Market Area (HMA) and a strengthened Duty to Co-operate arrangement.  This would require an amendment to the Local Development Scheme which was the document that established the timescale for Our Plan.


The Leader introduced the report and confirmed that this matter would be on the agenda for the regular meetings held between the Leader, Deputy Leader and Executive Directors to enable monitoring of progress, capacity and resources.


The Chairman of the Strategic Planning Working Group added a number of comments, including that there had been some concern over the length of time taken over Our Plan, but it was a complex issue with a range of subjects within it, which had been interfered with by the myriad of changes in central government policy.


During discussion, the following points were raised:


·         One Member hoped that the Council would be proactive and would encourage sites to come forward.  The Chairman of the Strategic Planning Working Group confirmed that there may be an opportunity to review previously discounted sites.  The Lead Specialist Place and Strategy confirmed that officers would go back over the existing evidence and be more proactive with sites;


·         The Leader stated that Members could have a role in bringing sites forward.  The Lead Specialist Place and Strategy stated that the guidance to Neighbourhood Plan groups would be refreshed;


·         A Member requested quarterly reports on progress be brought back to the Executive.  This was proposed, seconded and on being put to the vote carried and the recommendation was duly amended;


·         Members noted that the Duty to Co-operate would be central to the process.  Members also discussed the inclusion of Torbay within the defined Housing Market Area;


·         One Member raised concerns over the level of infrastructure in place and noted that the Highways Authority and South West Water had a key role in this regard;


·         The Leader asked that officers produce a briefing paper on the impact of the recently published Housing and Planning Bill;


·         Members discussed the importance of objectively assessed housing need numbers and how policy objectives would be governed from this definitive number;


·         One Member stated that the support of the Neighbourhood Plan groups would give security to Our Plan on the ground;


·         One Member suggested that the name Our Plan should be revisited, but there was no support for this at this stage amongst his Executive colleagues.


It was then:




That Council be RECOMMENDED that:


1.     Option 2 for progression of South Hams Our Plan, as set out at section 4 of the presented agenda report, be pursued recognising that this will need a plan period to 2032 or 2033 or alignment with neighbouring authorities;

2.     a detailed Duty to Co-operate protocol, or similar agreement, be established with neighbouring planning authorities within the Housing Market Area.  This would  address joint approaches to strategic planning relating to timetable, evidence, policies, strategic allocations, governance, staffing, scope of Housing Market Area, viability and infrastructure amongst other matters;

3.     the Local Development Scheme be reviewed and re-issued in line with recommendation 1;

4.     further evidence work (joint or specific) be procured as required;

5.     the response to the  Our Plan Topic Papers public consultations be published as set out at section 4 of the presented agenda report;

6.     remaining Strategic Housing Land Availability assessment work be published as set out in section 4 of the presented agenda report and options for additional sites be explored;

7.     a budget provision for 2016/17 of £75,000 be made for Our Plan examination anticipated to be met from the Planning Policy and Major Development Reserve.

8.     guidance for Neighbourhood Plan Groups be issued to inform their work as it relates to Our Plan

9.     a refreshed Our Plan Engagement Strategy be issued

10.  regular updates be provided to the Strategic Planning Working Group

11.  further monitoring reports be submitted to the Executive every three months and the Council as and when required making specific proposals for future consultation, consideration and submission of Our Plan

12.  those specific details to be agreed under recommendations 2,3,6,8 and 9 be delegated to the Lead Specialist – Place and Strategy in consultation with the Chairman of the Strategic Planning Working Group and the Leader of Council.


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