Agenda item

Budget 2016/17

to consider a report that presents the recommendations of the Executive on the proposals for the Council’s Budget for 2016/17


The Council considered a report that provided an update of the Council’s overall financial position and that detailed the formal recommendations of the Executive to achieve a balanced Budget (Minutes E.47/15 and E.58/15 also refer).          


The Leader of Council proceeded to introduce the agenda item and made specific reference to:-


(a)  the role of the District Council Network, Sparse and Local South

West MPs in actively lobbying to ensure that the Council had obtained additional grant funding from central government;


(b)  the draft Budget securing service delivery for the 2016/17 financial



(c)  the budget surplus.  Members were informed that it was the recommendation of the Executive to transfer the budget surplus in 2016/17 of £767,995 into a Contingency Earmarked Reserve (as outlined in recommendation 7 of the presented agenda report).  Furthermore, decisions relating to how these monies would be specifically spent would be a matter for Members to consider in the future.


At this point, the 18 recommendations were PROPOSED and SECONDED and the Chairman subsequently invited any debate on each of them individually.  In so doing, the following points were raised:-


(i)  With regard to recommendation 1, the overwhelming majority of Members felt that, when considering the financial pressures being faced by the authority, the Council had no option other than to increase Council Tax for 2016/17 by £5.  A number of Members also emphasised their disappointment at the incredibly late notification that had been given to local authorities in respect of the final finance settlement;


In line with statutory requirements, a recorded vote was then undertaken on part 1 of the motion.  The voting on this part was recorded as follows:-


For the motion (28):    Cllrs Bastone, Blackler, Bramble, Brazil,                                                                Brown, Cuthbert, Foss, Gilbert, Green,

Hicks, Hitchins, Hodgson, Holway, Hopwood,   Horsburgh, May, Pearce, Pennington,              Pringle, Rowe, Saltern, Smerdon, Steer,                         Tucker, Vint, Ward, Wingate and Wright.


               Against the motion (1): Cllr Baldry.


               Abstentions (0):                               


               Absent (2):     Cllrs Cane and Hawkins.


               and the vote was therefore declared CARRIED.


(ii)               An amendment was duly PROPOSED and SECONDED as follows:-


That the combined budget surplus identified in recommendation 7 (£767,995) and recommendation 15 (£777,402), which amounts to £1,545,397, be ringfenced for income based projects towards delivering in-house social affordable rental homes.”


A debate ensued on the amendment, during which the importance of affordable housing was reiterated.  In conclusion, a number of Members felt that the amendment as proposed was too restrictive.  As a further assurance that the Council remained committed to affordable housing delivery, the lead Executive Member for Business Development advised Members that officers were currently working on initiatives that would greatly support the intention of this amendment;


In line with statutory requirements, a recorded vote was then undertaken on the amendment.  The voting on this amendment was recorded as follows:-


For the motion (6):                     Cllrs Baldry, Brazil, Green, Hodgson, Horsburgh and Vint


Against the motion (23):              Cllrs Bastone, Blackler, Bramble, Brown, Cuthbert, Foss, Gilbert, Hicks, Hitchins, Holway, Hopwood, May, Pearce, Pennington, Pringle, Rowe, Saltern, Smerdon, Steer, Tucker, Ward, Wingate and Wright.


               Abstentions (0):                                  


               Absent (2):                    Cllrs Cane and Hawkins.


               and the vote was therefore declared LOST.


In line with statutory requirements, a recorded vote was then undertaken on parts 7, 10, 12, 14 and 15 of the motion.  The voting on these parts was recorded as follows:-


For the motion (25):                   Cllrs Baldry, Bastone, Blackler, Bramble                   Brazil, Brown, Cuthbert, Foss, Gilbert, Hicks,           Hitchins, Holway, Hopwood, May, Pearce,             Pennington, Pringle, Rowe, Saltern, Smerdon,

                                                   Steer, Tucker, Ward, Wingate and Wright.


               Against the motion (4):Cllrs Green, Hodgson, Horsburgh and Vint.


               Abstentions (0):                                  


               Absent (2):                  Cllrs Cane and Hawkins.

               and the vote was therefore declared CARRIED.


(iii)            A Member highlighted his previously raised concerns regarding the lack of Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) service provision for residents who lived in the western end of the district.  In reply, it was noted that the CAB was currently undertaking a review during which this matter would be given further consideration.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 15.5, a recorded vote was then demanded on parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, 17 and 18 of the motion.  The voting on these parts was recorded as follows:-


For the motion (29):                   Cllrs Baldry, Bastone, Blackler, Bramble,

Brazil, Brown, Cuthbert, Foss, Gilbert, Green, Hicks, Hitchins, Hodgson, Holway, Hopwood, Horsburgh, May, Pearce, Pennington, Pringle, Rowe, Saltern, Smerdon, Steer, Tucker, Vint, Ward, Wingate and Wright.

Against the motion (0):

   Abstentions (0):                                  

Absent (2):                                 Cllrs Cane and Hawkins.


and the vote was therefore declared CARRIED.



It was then:




1.            That Council Tax for 2016/17 be increased by £5 (which equates to a Band D Council Tax of £150.42 for 2016/17, an increase of £5 per year or 10 pence per week). This equates to a Council Tax requirement of £5,566,140 (as shown in Appendix 2A of the agenda report presented to Members);


2.            That the financial pressures (as outlined in Appendix 3 of the agenda report presented to Members) amounting to £1,690,000 be agreed;


3.            That the £10,000 discretionary budget bid for the Citizen’s Advice Bureau be agreed;


4.            That the schedule of savings identified in Appendix 3 of the agenda report presented to Members (totalling £1,283,800) be agreed (this includes the additional saving of £31,800 following the review of Member Allowances);


5.            That the Collection Fund Surplus of £210,000 as shown in Appendix 1A of the presented agenda report be agreed;


6.            That the level of contributions to reserves to be included within the Authority’s budget, as set out in Appendix 1B of the presented agenda report, be agreed (this includes using £500,000 of New Homes Bonus funding to fund the 2016/17 Revenue budget);


7.            That the budget surplus in 2016/17 of £767,995 be transferred into a Contingency Earmarked Reserve (see Part 2 of the presented agenda report for an explanation of this figure)


8.            That the allocation of Council Tax Support Grant for Town and Parish Councils be set at £101,658 in 2016/17, a reduction of 9.9% as per Appendix E of the agenda report presented to the Executive at its meeting on 4 February 2016;


9.            That the Council set its total net expenditure for 2016/17 at £8,751,722 (Appendix 1A of the presented agenda report refers);


10.          That £153,900 of New Homes Bonus funding for 2016/17 be allocated to the Community Reinvestment Projects budget for 2016/17.  Any underspend from the 2015/16 Community Reinvestment Projects budget of £153,900 is to be transferred into the Capital Programme Reserve;


11.          That the Council transfers £24,606 of its allocation of the New Homes Bonus for 2016/17 to the Dartmoor National Park Sustainable Community Fund. The funds are awarded as a one off payment to Dartmoor National Park, to award projects on an application basis administered by Dartmoor National Park. (NOTE: the following conditions will apply):


A.           decisions must be taken in consultation with the South Hams District Council local Ward Member(s);


B.           funding can only be used for capital spending on projects in those parts of Dartmoor National Park which fall within the South Hams District Council Boundaries and enable the Dartmoor National Park to carry out its social economic responsibilities; and


C.           Dartmoor National Park reports on the progress in the application of, and use of the funds to the Overview and Scrutiny Panel, in time for budget decision to be made;


12.          That £464,000 of New Homes Bonus funding from the 2016/17 allocation be used to fund housing capital projects (Disabled Facilities Grants and Affordable Housing);


13.          That the Capital Programme for 2016/17 totalling £1,765,000 (and funding sources) be agreed as set out in Item 8 of the Executive meeting on 4 February 2016;


14.          That £150,000 of New Homes Bonus funding for 2016/17 be transferred into an Earmarked Reserve for the one-off costs of the Local Authority Controlled Company (LACC – see Section 5.9 of the Executive report on 4 February 2016);


15.          That the unallocated New Homes Bonus of £777,402 be transferred into an Innovation Fund (Invest to Earn) Earmarked Reserve (as per 7.10 and 7.11 of the Executive report refers);


16.          That the minimum level of the Unearmarked Revenue Reserves be maintained at £1,500,000 as per Section 9 of the Executive report refers;


17.          That the level of reserves as set out within the presented agenda report and the assessment of their adequacy and the robustness of budget estimates be noted. (NOTE: this is a requirement of Part 2 of the Local Government Act 2003); and


18.          That a waste round review be supported that considers a four day waste and recycling collection round.



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