Agenda item

Notice of Motion

to consider the following motions received (if any) in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10.1


(a)    By Cllrs Wright and Ward


‘As a result of the Governments recent announcement that Housing Associations will have to cut Social housing rents by 1% each year for the next four years from April 2015, this Council wishes to express its concerns that this policy will reduce the number of affordable homes being brought forward in our District, and asks for the support of the local members of Parliament.’


(b)    By Cllrs Brazil and Baldry


‘This Council welcomes the publication of the Government’s Rural Productivity Plan.  However, we question the solutions to solve our housing needs contained in the Plan.  As such we invite the Secretary of State to visit South Hams to hear our concerns and explore alternative solutions including the Village Housing Initiative.’


(c)    By Cllrs Hodgson and Baldry


‘With regard to the recent question to Executive regarding the underlying factors and principles regarding SHDC annual and four year budgets, we wish to propose that this Council adopts a set of easily understood and transparent principles for how it sets the budget, such that all Councillors and residents can understand how their council tax is spent.’





It was noted that three motions had been received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10.1.


(a)    By Cllrs Wright and Ward


‘As a result of the Governments recent announcement that Housing Associations will have to cut Social housing rents by 1% each year for the next four years from April 2015, this Council wishes to express its concerns that this policy will reduce the number of affordable homes being brought forward in our District, and asks for the support of the local members of Parliament.’


In light of the recent ministerial statement, the proposer and seconder of the motion felt it would be more appropriate for this motion to be deferred to the next meeting. 


(b)    By Cllrs Brazil and Baldry


‘This Council welcomes the publication of the Government’s Rural Productivity Plan.  However, we question the solutions to solve our housing needs contained in the Plan.  As such we invite the Secretary of State to visit South Hams to hear our concerns and explore alternative solutions including the Village Housing Initiative.”


In introducing the motion, the proposer made reference to:-


-         the published DEFRA report being welcomed.  The report presented a clear ten point plan for rural productivity and the proposer encouraged fellow Members to read the report;

-         concern over the housing needs solutions.  In particular, the proposer expressed concern regarding those suggested solutions to increase both social mobility and right to buy, whilst deciding to appeal the Judicial Review decision in respect of planning obligations thresholds.  The decision to appeal was felt to be in direct contradiction and would in fact (if overturned) result in less affordable housing provision in rural areas;

-         the purpose of the Secretary of State invite being to listen to the concerns of the Council and take on board its views in this respect.  In so doing, the proposer hoped that it was a misunderstanding of central government in terms of the severe housing issues facing rural areas like the South Hams.


In discussion, the following points were raised:-


(i)      It was noted that there was broad agreement amongst rural local authorities that the national affordable housing policies did not reflect or take into account rural areas;


(ii)     Some Members stressed that policies would result in starter homes only being classified as such for five years.  Based upon current statistics, it was estimated that the average South Hams resident would need a £50,000 salary increase to be able to afford to purchase a starter home;


(iii)   It was felt that the most effective means of trying to achieve a visit from the Secretary of State was to contact our local MPs.  Alternatively, it was also suggested by the Leader that the Secretary of State may be more inclined to attend a meeting of the Devon Districts Forum and he was happy to raise this matter at the next scheduled Forum meeting.  In addition, there was broad support for the Council writing to express our views to the District Council Network.


It was then:




This Council welcomes the publication of the Government’s Rural Productivity Plan.  However, we question the solutions to solve our housing needs contained in the Plan.  As such we invite the Secretary of State to visit South Hams to hear our concerns and explore alternative solutions including the Village Housing Initiative.



(c)    By Cllrs Hodgson and Baldry


‘With regard to the recent question to Executive regarding the underlying factors and principles regarding SHDC annual and four year budgets, we wish to propose that this Council adopts a set of easily understood and transparent principles for how it sets the budget, such that all Councillors and residents can understand how their council tax is spent.’


In introducing the motion, the proposer made reference to:-


-      the value of the recent Member Budget Workshop.  The merits of the Workshop were recognised and this motion was seeking to build upon ideas that were generated at this session;

-      the motion not intending to give any more work to the S151 Officer and her finance colleagues;

-      the benefits of showing how Council budgets related to the corporate priorities.


In the ensuing debate, the following points were raised:-


(a)   Some Members expressed their reservations at this motion and felt that the Council did an exceptionally good job of consulting and communicating on the annual Budget proposals.  Specifically, in respect of communications, there was considered to be merit in investigating whether the South Hams Matters publication should be re-established.  In response, the Head of Paid Service advised that both the publication and the wider budget setting process would form part of the considerations when the Council’s External Communications Strategy was being developed;


(b)   In support of the motion, other Members highlighted the public right for openness and transparency and were of the view that the public understanding of all aspects of the Council’s budget was poor;


(c)   Some Members reiterated the relevance of the value for money conclusions that had been reached by Grant Thornton in its Audit Findings report (Minute 31/15 above refers);


(d)   Two amendments were suggested to the motion as indicated below:


‘With regard to the recent question to the Overview and Scrutiny Panel regarding the underlying factors and principles regarding SHDC annual and four year budgets, we wish to propose that this Council continues to utilise a set of easily understood and transparent principles for how it sets the budget, such that all Councillors and residents can understand how their council tax is spent.’


The proposer and seconder confirmed that they were content to accept both of these amendments and they were therefore included in the substantive motion.


When put to the subsequent vote, the motion was declared LOST.