Agenda item

Consider the adoption of a policy in relation to dealing with Anti-social behaviour and the adoption of Public Spaces Protection Orders



Members were presented with a report that asked them to consider the proposed anti-social behaviour policy and recommend to Council its adoption, that the Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) were adopted, that the penalty set for a fixed penalty notice be set at £100 and the a budget of £5,000 be made available for the advertisement of the PSPOs.


The Lead Executive Member for Customer First introduced the report, and in doing so advised Members of an updated document and maps relating to the Public Space Protection Order covering the consumption of alcohol.  


During discussion on this item, one Member asked how the new Orders would be policed.  In response, the Senior Specialist Environmental Health advised that both PCSOs and council officers who had attended the appropriate training would be able to enforce the Orders. 


Members then discussed the reducing number of PCSOs, and whilst it was accepted that they would be replaced by police officers, Members were concerned that the number of police officers was smaller and that police officers tended to be diverted to areas of high crime.   


A local Ward Member advised that instances of Anti-Social Behaviour had reduced as a result of the installation of CCTV, which enabled the identification of culprits and could be used in court as evidence.


Finally, in response to questions from another Member, the Senior Specialist Environmental Health confirmed that homeless people would not be criminalised by the introduction of the Orders, but anti-social behaviour associated with homelessness would be tackled.


It was then:




That Council be RECOMMENDED:


1.       to adopt the Anti-Social Behaviour policy;

2.       that the Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs), including the updated PSPO for Consumption of Alcohol and associated maps, be adopted for implementation on 1 January 2018;

3.       that the penalty set on a fixed penalty notice is set at £100 for all offences covered by the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014; and

4.       that a budget of £5,000 is made available for the advertisement of the PSPOs.




Supporting documents: