Agenda item

Executive Forward Plan


Note: If any Member seeks further clarity, or wishes to raise issues regarding any future Executive agenda item, please contact Member Services before 5.00pm on Monday, 21 August 2017 to ensure that the lead Executive Member(s) and lead officer(s) are aware of this request in advance of the meeting. 


Requests have already been made for the following future items to be raised at this meeting:


(a)  Medium Term Financial Strategy for the  five year period 2018/19 to 2021/22 – To be presented to the Panel Meeting on 12 October 2017

(b)  Business Rates Relief Policy; and

(c)   Quayside Phase 2 Consultation




The Panel was presented with the most recently published Executive Forward Plan and, in discussion, made reference to the following amendments:-


(a)   As highlighted during the Public Forum agenda item (Minute O&S.40/17 above refers), the Kingsbridge Quayside Phase 2 agenda item had been deferred to the Executive meeting on 19 October 2017;


(b)   The Chairman reminded Members that both the Transformation Programme Closedown and IT Procurement reports would be considered by the Panel at its meeting on 9 November 2017 before then being presented to the Executive meeting on 7 December 2017.  


(i)     Medium Term Financial Strategy for the Five Year Period 2018/19 to 2021/22


The Chairman advised that this agenda item had been deferred for consideration at the next Panel meeting on 12 October 2017.


(ii)    Business Rates – Locally Administered Business Rate Relief Policy


A report was considered that sought to recommend adoption of the locally administered Business Rate Relief Policy.


During discussion, particular reference was made to:-


(a)    the proposed date for the policy review.  Members felt that the proposal to review the policy in December 2017 was too soon after it would have been adopted by the Council.  As a consequence, Members felt that the proposed review should be extended to April 2018;


(b)    the decision-making process.  Some Members were of the view that the decision-making process (including the right to appeal) was too reliant upon the Leader of the Council and there was a need for a greater number of Members to be involved in the process.  As a way forward, the following suggested amendments to the process were made:


o  That Discretionary Payment awards under the Policy be determined by the Leader of the Council and the lead Executive Member; and

o  That all appeals be determined by the Leader of the Council; the lead Executive Member and the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel.

It was then:




That the Executive RECOMMEND to Council that, following consultation with Devon County Council, Devon and Cornwall Police and Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue, the locally administered Business Rate Relief Policy be adopted subject to the following amendments:


-     The policy review being extended from the end of December 2017 to the end of April 2018; and

-     The decision-making process being amended in accordance with discussion point (b) above.



(iii)  Quayside Phase 2 Consultation


The Panel considered a report that provided a summary of the work that had been undertaken as part of the Kingsbridge Masterplan project.


The Chairman introduced the report and reminded those present that the outcome of the public forum agenda item (Minute O&S.40/17 above refers) had significantly impacted upon this agenda item.


In the subsequent discussion, the following points were raised:-


(a)    Some Members expressed their concerns that the production of revised plans would result in additional costs to the Council and have a detrimental effect on the overall viability of the scheme.  In reply, the Panel was assured that the Council was not in a position to effectively subsidise sites and any additional cost implications would require the approval of full Council;


(b)    In support of the revised approach, the local Ward Members were pleased that the outcome of the consultation exercise had been acknowledged;


(c)    A Member emphasised that the Council and local community must not lose sight of the definite need for affordable housing in Kingsbridge.  In highlighting the different views depending on age, the Member emphasised the importance of the younger generation also having its views heard as part of this process.

It was then:




That the Panel:


1.    endorse the consultation exercise to date and is satisfied that the results have been duly acknowledged; and


2.    fully supports the further consultation exercise that is being proposed.




Supporting documents: