Agenda item

Planning Applications

To see Letters of Representation and further supplementary information relating to any of the planning applications on the agenda, please select the following link and enter the relevant Reference number:







*DM&L 05      

The Committee considered the applications prepared by the Development Management Specialists and considered also the comments of Town and Parish Councils together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda reports and summarised below, and RESOLVED:


(a)     Application No:  4005/16/FUL Ward: Buckland Monachorum


Site Address:     Land adjacent to Yelverton Business Park, Crapstone


Three business units, 960sqm Use B1(c) light industrial/ Use B2 general industrial/ Use B8 Storage and Distribution, together with associated access, parking and landscaping


Speakers included:     Objector - Mr Michael Wood: Supporter – Mr Phil Greeno:  Ward Member – Cllr Cheadle


RECOMMENDATION:           Conditional Approval


The Case Officer responded to a number of questions of clarity following his presentation.  Members discussed the Joint Local Plan and the Neighbourhood Plan, and the weight that should be given to these emerging documents.  During discussion, Members considered the balance between the provision of employment land and the landscape impact.  The officer recommendation of Conditional Approval was PROPOSED, SECONDED and on being put to the vote, unanimously declared LOST.  An alternative proposal of Refusal of the application was then PROPOSED, SECONDED and on being put to the vote, unanimously declared CARRIED.





The proposal would result in the development of new buildings, associated parking and access on an unallocated greenfield site, outside the settlement boundary in a sensitive rural environment within the Tamar Valley AONB on the edge of Dartmoor National Park.  The location and scale of the development would be detrimental to the natural beauty and quiet enjoyment of the AONB and the Dartmoor National Park contrary to Policies SP5 and SP17 of the adopted West Devon Core Strategy; Policy NE10 of the West Devon development Policies DPD; Policies DEV24 and DVE 27 of the emerging Joint Local Plan; the policies within the emerging Buckland Monachorum Neighbourhood Plan and paragraph 115 of the NPPF.


(b)     Application No:  4006/16/FUL Ward: Buckland Monachorum


Site Address:     Land adjacent to Yelverton Business Park, Crapstone


Meeting hall (for Plymouth Brethren Christian Church) and associated access parking and landscaping


Speakers included:     Objector – Mr Michael Wood:  Supporter – Mr John Shephard: Ward Member – Cllr Cheadle


RECOMMENDATION:           Conditional Approval


In introducing the application, the case officer advised that following representations received, the wording of Condition 11 should be amended as follows:


The proposed building shall only be used as a place of worship  and religious instruction (including limited equipment  storage for the Rapid Relief Team and for no other purpose including  any other purpose  in Class D1 of the Schedule of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987, or in any provision  equivalent to that class in any statutory instrument revoking or  re-enacting that Order with or without modification.


During discussion, Members raised similar concerns to those expressed during the discussion of the previous application, 4005/2016.  Members queried whether the application should include a storage use classification.  Members appreciated the work of the Rapid Relief Team but had to balance this against why the building had to be on a greenfield site within the AONB.





The proposal represents unsustainable development by virtue of its location outside of the settlement boundary and scale which would be detrimental to the Natural Beauty and quiet enjoyment of the Tamar Valley AONB and Dartmoor National Park contrary to Policies SP5 and SP17 of the adopted West Devon Core Strategy; Policy NE10 of the West Devon development Policies DPD; Policies DEV24 and DVE 27 of the emerging Joint Local Plan; the policies within the emerging Buckland Monachorum Neighbourhood Plan and paragraph 115 of the NPPF.



(c)     Application No:  4059/16/VAR      Ward: Okehampton North


Site Address:     Land North of Crediton Road, Okehampton


Variaion of conditions 3 (approved plans) and 21 (to allow phase 1 to start from joint school accesss and provision of roundabout as part of phase 2) following grant of planning consent 01089/2013


Speakers included:     Supporter – Mr Robin Upton; Ward Member (on behalf of fellow Ward Members) – Cllr Leech


RECOMMENDATION:           Delegate to COP Lead Development Management in consultation with the Chairman of Development Management and Licensing Committee to grant permission subject to completion of s106 agreement which ties this amended decision to the obligations of the original approval


COMMITTEE DECISION:  Delegate to COP Lead Development Management in consultation with the Chairman of Development Management and Licensing Committee to grant permission subject to completion of s106 agreement which ties this amended decision to the obligations of the original approval



Supporting documents: