Agenda item

Task and Finish Group Updates:

a)    Dartmouth Lower Ferry; and

b)    Waste and Recycling



a)    Dartmouth Lower Ferry


The Chairman of the Task and Finish Group read the following statement to the meeting:-


‘Since the last Panel meeting, officers have continued negotiations with the Lower Ferry workforce.  These were in conjunction with the UNITE union regional representative.  Negotiations would be concluded by the middle of June with a start date for the new terms and conditions due to commence from 1 July.  Officers were hopeful that agreement could now be reached, but should this not be the case, they would report back to the Task and Finish Group.


Work to improve efficiency within operational service delivery and review of future tariffs was already underway, with the service now being overseen by the Salcombe Harbour Master.’


In the ensuing debate, reference was made to:-


(a)   the lack of information contained within the statement.  A Member expressed his frustration at the lack of information provided by the statement and sought more clarity regarding the review.  In reply, other Members countered that, until the negotiations had been concluded, it would not be appropriate to disclose any further information.  However, assurances were given that the negotiations were being carried out in accordance with the direction of travel that had already been set by Members;


(b)   the wish to re-convene the Task and Finish Group.  Members recognised the need to re-convene the Group and those in attendance were reminded of the ability for all Members to be able to attend and partake at these meetings.



b)   Waste and Recycling


The Panel considered a report that highlighted areas that had been explored to try and identify savings within Waste Operations whilst meeting the Council’s obligations under the Devon Resource & Waste Management Strategy that looked to align recycling and waste practices regionally and in line with best environmental practice.


In his introduction, the lead Executive Member for Commercial Services advised that the Group recommendations had been amended in light of the views expressed and feedback gleaned from the Member Workshop on 27 April 2017.


In discussion, reference was made to:-


(i)     the garden waste charging proposals.  The majority of Members welcomed the recommendation to delay further consideration of the proposals to charge for garden waste;


(ii)    recycling cartons.  The ability for the Council to now recycle cartons was also welcomed by the Panel;


(iii)  the potential income generating measures (as outlined in paragraphs 3.12 to 3.14 of the presented agenda report).  Some Members advised that they were unable to support those potential income generating measures as currently stated in paragraphs 3.12 to 3.14 of the presented agenda report.  For the projected sums of money anticipated, these Members felt that it was simply not worth pursuing these measures at this current time.  However, the majority of Panel Members were supportive of the suggestion that a £35 charge could be imposed on new standard 180 litre wheeled bins for any newly built properties and for any householder requests to be in receipt of additional bins;


(iv)  round optimisation.  For certain remote areas on the outskirts of the South Hams boundaries, a Member made the point that it would be more cost effective for neighbouring local authorities to collect their waste and recycling.  In reply, officers informed that this issue had been raised at the Devon Authorities Waste Reduction and Recycling Committee, who had opted against pursuing this suggestion any further;


(v)    the work of the Task and Finish Group.  Since this was the last meeting of the Group before it was re-constituted as a Working Group, some Members expressed their disappointment at the apparent lack of progress that had been made.  In accepting that there was an element of risk in any recommendations made, these Members reminded the Panel that the waste and recycling service was responsible for a number of the budgetary pressures and customer complaints faced by the Council;


(vi)  the service relationship with Devon County Council (DCC).  Whilst a number of concerns were raised over the potential rise in disposal costs, the lead Executive Member did give an assurance that dialogue continued between the Council and DCC and it was still hoped that a satisfactory way forward could be established for both authorities;


(vii) the notes arising from meetings of the SH/WD Joint Steering Group (JSG).  To ensure that the Panel was able to maintain a watching brief on the work of the JSG, it was PROPOSED and SECONDED that:-


the notes arising from meetings of the SH/WD Joint Steering Group be presented to future Panel meetings for consideration.’


When put to the vote, this proposal was declared CARRIED.


It was then:




That the Executive be RECOMMENDED that


1.  the key findings of the Waste Working Group be referred to the SH/WD Joint Steering Group and used to inform the Budget Setting process for 2018/19;

2.  with immediate effect, the Council furthers discussions with Devon County Council related to disposal costs linked to service design and transfer station use;

3.  efficiencies linked to current service delivery (as outlined in the Working Group scope) and at paragraphs 3.4 – 3.11 inclusive are delivered during 2017/18 where proven to be operationally feasible;

4.  a charge of £35 per container be imposed on new standard 180 litre wheeled bins for any newly built properties and for any householder requests to be in receipt of additional bins; and

5.  the notes arising from meetings of the SH/WD Joint Steering Group be presented to future Panel meetings for consideration.







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