Agenda item

Performance Indicators



The Panel considered a report that presented the Quarter 4 performance indicators for 2016/17.


In discussion, the following points were raised:-


(a)   The Panel was broadly supportive of the suggestion to re-establish a Joint Task and Finish Group with West Devon Borough Council Members to undertake an in-depth review of the Performance Indicators and targets.  However, before a final decision was taken, it was requested that the Terms Of Reference be presented to the next Panel meeting for ultimate approval;


(b)   The Panel debated at length the performance of the Planning Enforcement service amidst concerns that the backlog of cases was again on the increase.  Some Members expressed their frustration that the Executive had not overseen improvements to the service and reiterated the levels of criticism that they were receiving at town and parish council meetings.  In addition, the view was expressed that, if the local knowledge of ward Members was being appropriately used, then this could assist in reducing the backlog.


Having been informed that officers were undertaking a review of the service to ensure that the backlog trend was reversed, Panel Members gave a strong steer to the Executive and officers regarding the importance of this piece of work and requested that it be in receipt of a detailed report at its meeting on 27 July 2017.


(c)    Members highlighted and welcomed some positive performance improvements in the following areas:


o  Number of days lost due to long-term sickness;

o  Number of days lost due to short-term sickness; and

o  The percentage of customer contact through online interaction (demonstrating Channel Shift);


(d)   Some confusion was expressed over the presentation of the performance information relating to complaints resolved.  In response, officers took the Panel through the indicator and advised that the total number of complaints received was 100, with 45 being logged as ‘corporate’ complaints.  Specifically regarding the complaints that had taken an average of 39 days, this was largely attributed to particularly complex matters that required responses to the Local Government Ombudsman for which time extensions had been sought and agreed;


(e)   With regard to the Contact Centre, a number of previously raised concerns were reiterated in relation to the time taken to answer calls.  Whilst a number of Members considered the 20 second call answer target to be unrealistic, they equally felt that customers who had to wait a number of minutes to have their calls answered was unacceptable.   The lead Executive Member reminded those present of the opportunity for Members to visit the Contact Centre and shadow an officer and confirmed that she had requested that officers set up additional such sessions in the upcoming months.


In response to a request, it was agreed that the Member Hotline Number should be re-circulated and the benefits of using the Skype facility to contact officers was also emphasised.


Finally, the Panel also expressed its wish, in principle, to carry out a detailed review of the Contact Centre and asked that the draft Terms Of Reference for this piece of work be presented to the next Panel meeting prior to a final decision being made.  Upon drafting the terms of reference, the need to work closely with the Performance Measures Task and Finish Group was recognised.




1.     That the principle of establishing a joint SH/WD Task and Finish Group to review the Performance Indicators and targets be supported, subject to the draft Terms Of Reference being presented to the next Panel meeting on 6 July 2017 for approval;


2.     That the Panel receive a detailed report entitled: ‘Planning Enforcement Service Review’ at its meeting on Thursday, 27 July 2017;


3.     That the principle of establishing a Contact Centre Review Task and Finish Group be supported, subject to the draft Terms Of Reference being presented to the next Panel meeting on 6 July 2017 for approval;




Supporting documents: