Agenda item

Annual Report

(Lead Executive Member – Cllr R J Tucker)





The Panel considered a report that presented the Council’s draft Annual Report.  The purpose of the Annual Report was to review Council progress over the last financial year and to set the scene for the upcoming year ahead.


In discussion, the following points were raised:-


(a)  In accordance with the Governance Section of the Annual Report, a Member repeated his previously raised concerns over the emphasis in the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules to the EU Procurement Rules and proceeded to PROPOSE the following additional recommendation:-


That the EU Procurement Rules be brought to the attention of Mr David Davis MP in his capacity as Secretary of State for Brexit.’


However, this proposal was not SECONDED.


(b)  Having been informed of its recent success in attaining a national award, a number of Members wished to put on record their congratulations to the Locality Team.  The Panel felt that the Locality Service had proven to be one of the real success stories of the Council’s Transformation Programme;


(c)  A number of Members felt that the new Council website was a vast improvement and was much more user friendly.  As a result, the view was expressed that this would greatly support the Council’s channel shift agenda;


(d)  In stating the importance of the Council supporting town and parish councils to deliver their Neighbourhood Plans, the Panel requested that consideration be given to including this as an additional Action for 2017/18 in Section 8 of the Annual Report prior to it being formally adopted;


(e)  Prior to any vote taking place, Members felt that the recommendation should acknowledge the fact that the Council had faced challenges throughout the course of the year.  This suggestion was subsequently PROPOSED and SECONDED and when put to the vote declared CARRIED;


(f)   With regard to the Grounds Maintenance Review and, based upon the state of the parks in Salcombe, a local Ward Member highlighted that it was her impression that the performance of the service was poor;


(g)  Specifically regarding the policy that had been established to support design quality, a question was asked as to what extent Members had been involved in the development of this policy.  In reply, officers gave a commitment to provide a written response outside of this meeting;


(h)  Some Members felt that ‘Our Plan’ and its eight underpinning themes were due for a review.  In accepting the point, the Head of Paid Service replied that it was his intention for a review to be undertaken by Members later in the year;


(i)    The view was expressed that the Council of the Year Award 2016 was a misleading statement in the Annual Report and some Members felt that it would have been a more accurate reflection to include reference to it being an iESE sponsored award.

It was then:




That the Panel RECOMMEND to the Executive to RECOMMEND to Council that:


1.     the challenges that have occurred throughout the year be acknowledged and the progress and achievements made by the Council be endorsed; and


2.     the Annual Report (as outlined at Appendix A of the presented agenda report) be adopted and published for the financial year 2016/17.



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