Agenda item

Dartmouth Park & Ride and Health Hub Car Park Six Month Review



The Executive considered a report that sought approval for a number of changes to the Dartmouth Park and Ride operation and associated Off Street Parking Places Order.


The Chairman informed the meeting that he was exercising his discretion to enable for Cllr Cathy Campos (Dartmouth Town Council) and Ms Jo Hinde (Co Chair of Dartmouth & District Chamber of Commerce) to address Members.  In so doing, they made particular reference to:


-      the one-off 100% increase in all day tariff (from £5 to £10) for the Park and Ride facility.  Whilst accepting the need for an increase, a 100% increase was felt to be too high and therefore to the detriment of the local economy;

-      the importance of a park and ride service being in place for: the Easter weekend; May half-term week; and the local Music and Food Festivals.  Also, it was considered very important for the service to be operational at hours that were suitable for both local workers and evening visitors to utilise;

-      the need for many local businesses to have a good trading year in order to ensure their survival;


-      the impression that the proposals were being imposed upon the town rather than being developed collaboratively.  To that end, both speakers asked that the proposals be deferred to enable for further consideration and discussion to take place in an attempt to reach a more satisfactory way forward.


Following their addresses, a number of Members commented as to how useful it had been to hear first hand from the speakers and, in the ensuing debate, the following points were raised:


(a)   Given that there had been minimal reference made to the Dartmouth Health Hub Car Park proposals, support was expressed for part 1 of the report recommendation;


(b)   The local Ward Members reiterated a number of the points raised by the speakers and expressed their disappointment that they had only been made aware of the proposals less than one week ago;


(c)   Some Members expressed their sympathy with the comments expressed by the speakers and an alternative recommendation was therefore PROPOSED and SECONDED that read as follows:


That any decision relating to the Dartmouth Park and Ride matter be POSTPONED until a Special Executive meeting be held to enable officers and the lead Member to discuss the matters further with local Ward Members; the Town Council; and other interested organisations in order to seek a way forward that addresses the issues raised.”


In the ensuing debate on the alternative recommendation, reference was made to:


o     the Council not previously knowing that Dartmouth had established a Chamber of Commerce;

o     given the statutory requirement to consult for a minimum of 21 days, any decision to postpone would have significant time constraints and would require a Special Executive meeting to be convened at very short notice;

o     in hindsight, the view was expressed that the proposals should have been consulted on with local Members and stakeholders earlier and there were lessons to be learned from this process;

o     the estimated park and ride service deficit for 2023/24 (in excess of £154,000) was not a sustainable position for the Council and, irrespective of these proposals, a solution therefore had to be found;

o     the long-term aspirations of the administration to establish a two-tier pricing structure for locals and visitors remained;

o     the Climate Change and Biodiversity benefits arising from an effective park and ride service;

o     it being important to recognise that officers and the lead Member had worked tirelessly to ensure that there were also advantages and benefits contained within the proposals that could be jeopardised by any decision to postpone at this meeting; and

o     the problems arising as a result of the service prices having been frozen for the last 14 years.


When put to the vote, the alternative recommendation was declared CARRIED.


It was then:




1.    That it be noted that the Dartmouth Health Hub Car Park continued to operate under the current Off Street Parking Places Order with a full review to be undertaken at 12 months in and brought back to the Executive in September 2024 for consideration; and


2.    That any decision relating to the Dartmouth Park and Ride matter be POSTPONED until a Special Executive meeting be held to enable officers and the lead Member to discuss the matters further with local Ward Members; the Town Council; and other interested organisations in order to seek a way forward that addresses the issues raised.

Supporting documents: