Agenda item

Reports of Bodies

to receive and as may be necessary approve the minutes and recommendations of the under-mentioned Bodies

* Indicates minutes containing recommendations to Council



That the minutes and recommendations of the undermentioned bodies be received and approved subject to any amendments listed below:-


(a) Salcombe Harbour Board – 13 June 2022


(b) Overview & Scrutiny Committee - 16 June 2022


(c) Overview & Scrutiny Committee - 21 July 2022


In noting the Minutes, a Member sought an update on the current position with the recruitment of staff into the Legal team.  In reply, it was confirmed that there had been limited interest in the recent recruitment round and, as a result, all vacancies were due to be re-advertised early in the New Year.


(d) Development Management Committee – 7 September 2022


(e) Audit & Governance Committee – 8 September 2022


AG.12/22 Update on Progress on the 2022-23 Internal Audit Plan


In discussion, Members sought clarification on whether or not the Servaco Trading Company had been intended to be the vehicle for the Council to develop its own housing stock in the future. The Section 151 Officer replied that this was not the case and a different Trading Company was being developed for that purpose and that ‘Servaco’ had never traded since being established by the Council during the last administration.


It was then:




That, with effect from 31 March 2023, the Servaco Trading Company be closed.



(f) Executive – 21 September 2022


E.33/22 Waste and Recycling Services Update


It was noted that the Recommendations to Council contained therein had been considered at the meeting of Council held on 22 September 2022 (Minute 35/22 refers).


E.34/22 Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023/24 to 2025/26


Since the Executive meeting of 21 September 2022, the Government had issued new guidance that permitted local authorities to raise Council Tax by 2.99% without triggering a Council Tax Referendum. In advising Members of this, the Leader stated that it was still her intention to propose to the Budget Council meeting in February 2023, that the Council Tax be raised by £5.00 for a Band D Property, and not the £5.39 now permitted under the new regulations


After a lengthy debate and, to clarify the new position, an amendment to Recommendation 1(i) was PROPOSED, SECONDED and when put to the vote declared CARRIED that:


“it be the strategic intention to raise Council Tax by £5.00 for a Band D property (rather than the maximum allowed without triggering a Council Tax Referendum) to endeavour to continue to deliver services. (NB. The actual Council Tax for 2023/24 will be decided by Council in February 2023)”


It was then:




1.   That it be the strategic intention to raise Council Tax by £5.00 for a Band D property (rather than the maximum allowed without triggering a Council Tax Referendum) to endeavour to continue to deliver services. (NB. The actual Council Tax for 2023/24 will be decided by Council in February 2023);


2.   That the Council continue to respond to Government consultations on Business Rates Reform;


3.   That active lobbying and engagement be continued with the Government, Devon MPs, South West Councils and other sector bodies such as the District Councils’ Network and the Rural Services Network, for a realistic business rates baseline to be set for the Council for 2024 onwards, when the business rates reset is predicted to happen (this is the earliest date it might happen); and


4.   That lobbying be continued in support of the Government eliminating Negative Revenue Support Grant in 2023/24 (and thereafter) and lobbying for Rural Services Delivery Grant allocations which adequately reflect the cost of rural service provision.


(g) Salcombe Harbour Board – 26 September 2022


SH.17/22 2023/24 Budget and Fees and Charges


In proposing the recommendations, the Chairman of the Salcombe Harbour Board wished to put on record his thanks to the Harbour staff for their hard work during what had been a challenging time during the Covid pandemic.


It was then:




1.   That the proposed 2023/24 Budget (as set out within the published agenda report presented to the Board meeting) be approved; and


2.   That, with effect from 1 April 2023, the proposed 2023/24 Fees and Charges (as set out in Appendix C of the published agenda report presented to the Board meeting) be approved.


(h) Overview & Scrutiny Committee – 29 September 2022


(i) Development Management Committee – 5 October 2022


(j) Executive – 13 October 2022


E.45/22 Key Partnerships Funding




2. That funding be extended for the following key partners for a further two years as follows:


-     SW Museum Development Trust - £4,000;

-     Ivybridge Ring and Ride - £5,710; and

-     South Hams CVS - £10,000;


3. That an increase in funding be agreed for each of the next two years for the following partners in recognition of additional activities being delivered:


-     Citizens Advice South Hams – £70,867 (an increase of £10,000 per annum funded from Covid-19 vulnerability grant underspend);

-     South Devon AONB - £28,749 (an increase of £8,000 per annum), subject to a Service Level Agreement (being prior agreed by the Executive) in respect of focused support to meet the demand of South Hams District Council Development Management Service;



(k) Audit & Governance Committee – 20 October 2022


(l) Overview & Scrutiny Committee – 3 November 2022


(m) Development Management Committee – 9 November 2022


(n) Licencing Committee – 17 November 2022


L.09/22 Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy – The Statutory Taxi And Private Hire Vehicle Standards




That that the draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy, as amended, be adopted.


L.10/22 Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy – Proposal to Delay Implementation of the Euro NCAP Safety Rating Standard




That the draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy, as amended, be adopted.



(o) Executive – 1 December 2022


E.55/22 Revenue and Capital Budget Proposals for 2023/24 to 2025/26


A Member sought clarity as to whether the Council’s Constitution would be amended to reflect the creation of a ‘Budget Advisory Committee’. In reply, the Leader confirmed that this would be a matter for consideration as part of the next review of the Council Constitution.  For clarity, the Leader advised that the purpose of establishing a Budget Advisory Committee was to ensure that all non-Executive Members of Council were formally consulted on the Council’s Budget proposals prior to consideration by the Executive and Full Council.


It was then:




(v)That an advisory Committee comprising of all Non-Executive Members be established to consider the 2023/24 Revenue and Capital Budget Proposals and make recommendations to the Executive on the Budget Proposals (meeting date of Thursday, 19 January 2023 proposed);


(vi) That membership of the Devon Business Rates Pool for 2023/24 be continued, subject to there being no announcements within the Finance Settlement (expected to be announced in mid-December), which in the opinion of the Section 151 Officer (in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Finance), would change this recommendation.


E.62/22 Devon Carbon Plan




1.      That the ambition and objectives set out within the Devon Carbon Plan be endorsed; and


2.      That the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan be revised to show how it will contribute to delivering the Devon Carbon Plan.


Supporting documents: