Agenda item

Task and Finish Group Updates

Lead Executive Member – Cllr Gilbert


a)    Dartmouth Lower Ferry

b)    Waste and Recycling

c)    Events Policy




(a)   Dartmouth Lower Ferry


Prior to any debate taking place, it was PROPOSED and SECONDED that:



That in accordance with Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business as the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 and 3 of Schedule 12A to the Act is involved.


In discussion, the Panel expressed its support for the service solution as outlined at Appendix B of the presented agenda report.


It was then:



That the Executive be RECOMMENDED that the service solution at Appendix B of the presented agenda report be supported, subject to the outcome of the current formal union consultation.


It was then:




That the press and public be re-admitted to the meeting.



(b)   Waste and Recycling


It was noted that the most recent meeting had been held on 22 February 2017 and the Panel noted the following progress updates:


o  The In-cab project for domestic and trade waste was in operation and was working well.  Moreover, it was intended that a demonstration would be arranged for all Members in due course;

o  In respect of the round review, the Panel was reminded that Phase 1 had been closed down and, as part of Phase 2, the Group was specifically looking at the previous work that had been undertaken and how the Council collected its food and garden waste.  The Group had already identified that this was a particularly complicated issue and there would be an informal Member Briefing scheduled in due course on this matter;

o  It was felt that there was further scope to improve the number of outlets (currently 26) that were able to issue recycling sacks;

o  The lead Member confirmed that the Bottle Bank notices were now ready;

o  The Group was particularly conscious of the need to address the rising amount of both residual and garden waste.  In particular, there was a critical need to address the fact that currently 23% of the contents contained in the grey bin was food waste;

o  With regard to instances of fly-tipping, a Member questioned whether the recycling sacks could be barcoded to act as a deterrent.  In reply, a commitment was given that this (and the potential for messages to be included on the sacks) would be considered by the Group;

o  It was intended that the Group would present a detailed report to an upcoming Panel meeting.


(c)   Events Policy


The Panel was asked to consider the concluding report of the Events Policy Task and Finish Group.


In discussion, reference was made to:-


(i)  an amendment was PROPOSED and SECONDED as follows:-


That there will be no fee rendered in respect of those events that are organised by charities or are for charitable purposes.’


In support of the amendment, the proposer informed that this addition would appease a number of dissatisfied residents.  In stating that the current approach worked successfully, the proposer felt it to be inappropriate that the discretion be transferred to one officer without the need for any further consultation.  Furthermore, another Member highlighted the increased income and economic benefits that charitable events brought to the Council and the district.



In contrast, other Members advised of the Group objective to adopt an equitable policy across the district.  A Member also stated his total opposition to the principle of the Council subsidising charities through such means.


When put to the vote, the amendment was declared LOST.

(ii) the consultation process.  The Group Chairman informed that the consultation exercise would include all original responders being written to and all Members, town and parish councils and identified event organisers would be included in this process.  The Panel questioned the need for the Events Task and Finish Group to be reconvened and concluded that it would be more appropriate for responsibility to be given to the Group Manager – Business Development, in consultation with the Chairman of the Group, to prepare the Policy for a future Executive meeting.


It was then:



1.    That the suggested principles for the revised Events Policy and consultation process (as detailed in section 3 of the presented agenda report) be approved;


2.    That the Group Manager – Business Development, in consultation with the Chairman of the Events Task and Finish Group, be tasked with preparing an Events Policy based on these recommendations for approval at the next Executive meeting after the consultation period is completed; and


3.    That, once live, the Policy be reviewed annually, with the fees levied being reviewed as part of the regular Fees and Charges setting process.




Supporting documents: