Agenda item

Devon and Cornwall Housing - Annual Update

Lead Executive Member – Cllr Bastone





The Chairman welcomed Mr Paul Crawford (Devon and Cornwall Housing (DCH) Group Chief Executive) to the Panel meeting.


With particular reference made to the South Hams area, Mr Crawford proceeded to undertake a presentation that covered the following specific themes:-


-       An update on the external environment and how DCH was responding;

-       Issues to consider in delivering affordable housing in the South Hams; and

-       Member Questions.

In concluding his presentation, Mr Crawford emphasised that DCH remained committed to the South Hams area and working together with the Council.  As an example of this commitment, the Panel was advised that DCH was currently in negotiations with the Council with a view to becoming an on-site tenant at Follaton House.


In the subsequent discussion, reference was made to:-


(a)   the impact of the 1% rent reduction.  It was noted that this Central Government initiative would result in a projected £39 million loss in income to DCH over the next four years.  When questioned further, Mr Crawford advised the Panel that the Government’s justification for this reduction was that Housing Associations also had to play their part in managing the Welfare Bill;


(b)   the Development Management process being a barrier for the delivery of affordable housing.  In setting the context, the Panel acknowledged that, when considering the desperate need in the South Hams, there was an ongoing under delivery of affordable housing provision in the South Hams.  In respect of viability, it was felt that 30% affordable housing per development was a far more realistic and attainable target to deliver;


(c)    the Housing White Paper.  Since the guidance was so recent, Mr Crawford advised that DCH had not made any assumptions yet regarding Starter Homes being delivered at 10% of affordable housing provision for any schemes greater than ten units;


(d)   the renovations and renewals programme.  Mr Crawford informed that the programme focus for DCH was on delivery of decent Housing Standards and greater investment (£10 million had been allocated) towards energy efficiency and ‘affordable warmth’ measures.  In response to a request, Mr Crawford also agreed to circulate the DCH ward by ward renovations programme to local Members;


(e)   the new office arrangements.  The Panel recognised that the centralisation of the offices to a site in East Devon made good economic and service delivery sense.  In emphasising the importance of DCH having a local presence, the proposed touchdown base in Totnes was welcomed;


(f)     Section 106 contributions.  In response to a specific query relating to the process of bidding for off-site Section 106 contributions towards affordable housing provision, it was agreed that a written response would be provided outside of the meeting;


(g)   theSherford development.  Mr Crawford informed that DCH had recently secured 114 of the 120 affordable homes for Phase 1 of the Sherford development.  Being a new settlement, the organisation recognised that there was an element of risk in this decision.  However, on the assumption that Phase 1 was successful, it was confirmed that DCH would be keen to look at the future phases of the project.


In conclusion, the Chairman wished to thank Mr Crawford for his informative presentation and responses to Member questions.