Agenda item

Notices of Motion

to consider the following motions received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10.1:


(a)By Cllrs Green and Hodgson


The Council will undertake an assessment of the Parkers Barn site in Totnes to determine its suitability and economic viability as a location for affordable housing possibly in conjunction with a Community Land Trust, with a view to the potential purchase of the site, which could also provide improved access for residents of the Riverside housing development.”


(b)By Cllrs Green and Baldry


“Dialogue and cooperation between councillors from different political parties leads to increased understanding and informed decision making. As such it is actively encouraged by the Council.”


(c)By Cllrs Hodgson and Green


“This Council supports a policy of requesting a comprehensive ecological report with appropriate wildlife surveys for any planning application in close proximity, adjacent to or including a Devon Bank, Wildlife Corridor or protected wildlife habitat.”





It was noted that one motion had been received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10.1.

(a)   By Cllrs Green and Hodgson


The Council will undertake an assessment of the Parkers Barn site in Totnes to determine its suitability and economic viability as a location for affordable housing possibly in conjunction with a Community Land Trust, with a view to the potential purchase of the site, which could also provide improved access for residents of the Riverside housing development.”


In introducing the motion, the proposer advised that the site was owned by Devon County Council and, considering that it was on the market for a very reasonable price, it would be an ideal investment opportunity for the Council.


In the ensuing debate, the following points were raised:-


(a)   The Leader advised that officers had already given this matter consideration and it had been concluded that there were significant viability issues for this site.  As a result, the Leader stated his opposition to this motion;


(b)   In support of this motion, the local Devon County Council Member provided an update and reiterated his view that this site presented a very good opportunity for the Council to deliver its affordable housing targets.  Furthermore, a Member reminded the meeting of the commitment that was given to consider this site following the Riverside planning appeal;


When put to the vote, this motion was declared LOST.

(b)  By Cllrs Green and Baldry


Dialogue and cooperation between Councillors from different political parties leads to increased understanding and informed decision-making.  As such, it is actively encouraged by the Council.”


In his introduction, the proposer highlighted that:


-        the work of the Local Authority Controlled Company Joint Steering Group being a positive example of cross political party working and the hope that this approach could be replicated in other areas;

-        better decisions were made through increased dialogue; and

-        such cross party working conveying a good message to officers.


In discussion, some Members felt that dialogue and co-operation was already taking place across political parties and they were therefore happy to support this motion.



It was then:




Dialogue and cooperation between Councillors from different political parties leads to increased understanding and informed decision-making.  As such, it is actively encouraged by the Council.



(c)   By Cllrs Hodgson and Green


“This Council supports a policy of requesting a comprehensive ecological report with appropriate wildlife surveys for any planning application in close proximity, adjacent to or including a Devon Bank, Wildlife Corridor or protected wildlife habitat.”


In her introduction, the proposer made reference to:-


-       the importance of wildlife to the area and the Council having statutory duties in respect of the EU Wildlife Directive; and

-       her belief that recent decisions made by the Development Management Committee had not given sufficient emphasis to wildlife implications.


During the subsequent discussion, the following points were raised:-


(a)   A Member outlined from the Council website the process that was followed in submitting a planning application.  In so doing, the Member emphasised that the Council was already requesting (if required) such surveys and asked that the proposer consider amending her motion to read:


“This Council already supports a policy of requesting a comprehensive ecological report with…..”


In citing the differences between a desktop survey and an on-site survey, the proposer was not willing to accept this amendment.  Moreover, a Member expressed his scepticism and asked that officers check to ensure that what applicants were asked to submit was in fact happening in all instances;


(b)   The importance of the process being proportionate and it being made abundantly clear in the forms of the ecological requirements for each planning application;


(c)    An amendment to the motion was PROPOSED and SECONDED as follows:


“This Council will ensure that it implements its existing policy of requesting a comprehensive ecological report with appropriate wildlife surveys for any planning application in close proximity, adjacent to or including a Devon Bank, Wildlife Corridor or protected wildlife habitat.”


When put to the vote, the amendment was declared LOST.


(d)  The seconder stated that ecology was a key consideration for the Development Management Committee and there was direct correlation between the local economy and the strong protection of the nature in the South Hams.


When put to the vote, this motion was declared LOST.