Agenda item

Reports of Bodies - O&S Committee 17 March 2022




Overview and Scrutiny Committee – 17 March 2022


The Executive was invited to consider the following recommendations that had arisen from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 17 March 2022:


i)   O&S.61/21 Leisure Contract – Fusion Annual Report 2021


“That the Executive be RECOMMENDED to establish a Working Group to progress the much needed improvement works at Totnes Leisure Centre.  The Working Group to consist of the Executive Lead for Leisure, the three local Ward Members, a representative of Tadpool, a representative of Fusion, and relevant lead officers.  The first meeting to be held within four weeks of the Executive decision”.


During discussion, the Executive felt that, instead of establishing a formal Working Group, it would be more appropriate for a meeting to be set up.  As a consequence, it was PROPOSED and SECONDED and when put to the vote was declared CARRIED.


It was then:




That a meeting be set up within four weeks of this Executive meeting to progress the much needed improvement works at Totnes Leisure Centre with invitations to this meeting being extended to: the Executive Lead Member for Leisure; the three local Ward Members; a representative of Tadpool; a representative of Fusion, and relevant lead officers.



ii) O&S.62/21 Better Lives For All Thematic Update: Community Wellbeing


“That the Executive be RECOMMENDED to NOTE that ‘Better Lives for All’ was not applying to the smaller communities in the South Hams and that it should ensure that these communities were better represented by the actions in the strategy”


During discussion, a number of Members took issue with this recommendation and, in citing a number of examples, felt it was unjust.


As a result, Members were not willing to formally accept the recommendation and it was PROPOSED and SECONDED that:


That the Executive does not accept the recommendation of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in respect of Minute Reference O&S.62/21.’


When put to the vote, this alternative motion was declared CARRIED.


It was then:




That the Executive does not accept the recommendation of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in respect of Minute Reference O&S.62/21: ‘Better Lives for All Thematic Update: Community Wellbeing.’


iii) O&S.63/21 Task and Finish Group Updates: Housing


“That the Executive be RECOMMENDED that:


1.   Officers explore the formation of a Strategic Partnership with a Housing Association (or Housing Associations) and other partners to deliver affordable rented housing through schemes similar to those mentioned at discussion point 1 of the attendant report “Affordable Rural Housing – Final Recommendations”, with such partnership(s) to include the location of suitable sites within the district; and


2.   Officers explore the setting up of a Community Land Trust modelled on the Cornwall Community Land Trust; including the possibility of working with other Devon local authorities in its formation; and


3.   The list of exemplar schemes be submitted to officers and that these be used to identify best practice for sites in the South Hams.”


In discussion, the Executive felt that, specifically regarding part 3 of the recommendation, there was greater work to be undertaken by the Task and Finish Group to enable for a more informed decision to be taken.  Therefore, the Executive was of the view that consideration of this matter should be deferred to a future meeting.


It was then:




That the conclusions of the Review be deferred to a future Executive meeting to enable for the Task and Finish Group to undertake further work.


Supporting documents: