Agenda item

Climate Change and Bio-diversity Action Plan :Six-Monthly update


*O&S 48          

The Hub Lead Member with responsibility for Natural Environment introduced the six monthly update on the Climate Change and Biodiversity Action Plan (CCBDAP).


In response to Member questions, the following wereconfirmed:-


·           Applications to the Green Homes Grant would only be available to those on low income.

·           Following a Borough wide survey with CoCars and CoBikes, test sites were being set up, with a need to investigate cost and duration before then being discussed at the community forum.

·           Local markets were being promoted, and the Council would have a presence at community events whenever resources permitted.

·           Following a specific enquiry regarding Tavistock, it was confirmed that the lead officers were currently talking to the Town Council about tree planting and would enquire about a particular site.

·         Hybrid meetings would significantly reduce travel, however, it was confirmed that formal Member meetings were still not permitted by Central Government to be held remotely and decision making Committees were therefore required to be held in person.  Technology was being updated in the Council Chamber to improve hybrid meetings for non-voting Members, officers, and members of the public. It was confirmed that staff had been advised to come into the office for the purpose of attending meetings and/or specific interaction only.  It was also noted that attendance from Members and public had increased when meetings had been held virtually rather than in person. It was agreed that it was far too early to come to a decision about how Council meetings were working.

·           Carbon savings of 12 tonnes had been realised during 2020 which supported the ethos of hybrid meetings and working remotely.  It was confirmed that staff members were able to attend the office to work if it was a help to their mental health and well-being, but it was not compulsory.

·           The Joint Local Plan Partnership Board was holding its Annual General Meeting on 21 February 2022 and Members were advised to ask questions at that Meeting regarding renewable energy and increasing employment options in new developments.  It was confirmed questions could be submitted in writing in advance if Members were not able to attend the meeting.

·           The officer gave an update on the electric vehicle charging points project, which was run in partnership with Devon County Council.  It was noted that all five identified sites were being worked on, with the power provider working on the next stage of the leases.

·         One Member queried the current provision in the Scheme of Members’ Allowance of 5 pence per mile for extra passengers and felt that this should be increased to encourage more shared car travel.  The Officer confirmed that this provision would be reviewed as part of the pending review by the Independent Panel into the Members’ Allowance Scheme.


An additional recommendation was then PROPOSED and SECONDED which, when put to the vote was CARRIED:


It was then RESOLVED:


1.      That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee NOTE the update on the Climate Change and Biodiversity Action Plan (as set out at Appendix A of the presented agenda report);

2.      That the Natural Environment Hub Advisory Group prioritise a detailed review of the Action Plan and the points arising from the meeting.

3.      That future reviews by the Committee of the Action Plan be included as part of the wider Council Delivery against the Natural Environment Corporate Theme reviews to ensure greater oversight.




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