Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budget Proposals for 2017/18 (Cllr Sanders)


HC 48             

Members were presented with a report that set out how the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy was based on a financial forecast over a rolling five year timeframe to 2021/22 which would help to ensure resources were aligned to the outcomes in Our Plan. 


The forecast was intended to provide a framework within which decisions could be made regarding the future service provision and council tax levels whilst building an approach that guaranteed West Devon Borough Council’s longer term viability.


The Leader presented the report and he and the s151 Officer responded to a number of detailed questions on facts presented within the report.  In addition, questions were asked of the Specialist Affordable Housing, Operational Manager Environment Services and COP Lead Development Management in relation to specific Earmarked Reserves, cost pressures and capital bids and the amounts recommended for 2017/18. 


Members had more detailed discussions and shared their views on the proposal to charge for garden waste (as detailed in Exempt Appendix F of the presented agenda report).  The Executive Director (SD&CD) gave a detailed explanation in relation to the budget pressures that currently existed within the Planning Community of Practice.


It was then RESOLVED that Council be RECOMMENDED:


(i)         to increase Council Tax by £5 (which equates to a Band D Council Tax of £218.39 for 2017/18, an increase of £5 per year or 10 pence per week). This equates to a Council Tax requirement of £4,356,612 (as shown in Appendix B of the presented agenda report));


(ii)      that the financial pressures as outlined in Appendix A of the presented agenda report (amounting to £735,571) be approved;


(iii)     that the contributions to Earmarked Reserves (amounting to £277,000) be approved;


(iv)    to approve the waste budget pressures (as outlined at Appendix F of the presented agenda report) in order to allow the final managed service award to be made in line with the resolution of Minutes HC41 and CM 27;


(v)     that the proposed savings of £473,171 (as set out in Appendix A of the presented agenda report) be approved;


(vi)    that the Collection Fund surplus of £178,000 be agreed;


(vii)    that an ICT Earmarked Reserve is created of £42,000 as set out in paragraph 6.15 of the presented agenda report.


(viii)   that £700,000 of New Homes Bonus funding be used to balance the 2017-18 Revenue Budget, subject to review by the s151 Officer of the £200,000 capital bid proposed for Affordable Housing.


(ix)    that £100,000 of the Budget Surplus Contingency Earmarked Reserve be used to fund £50,000 for the Joint Local Plan and £50,000 for five additional case managers within Development Management for a period of one year (as outlined at paragraph 10.6 of the presented agenda report;


(x)     that the final figure for the Total Net Expenditure of the Council for 2017/18 is to be calculated by the S151 Officer, in light of the discussions and recommendations by the Hub Committee at this meeting, with the final figure being reported to Council on 7 February 2017 for approval;


(xi)    that the 2017/18 Capital Programme projects totalling £720,000 be approved as per paragraph 9.1 of the presented agenda report, subject to review by the s151 Officer of the £200,000 capital bid proposed for Affordable Housing;


(xii)    to approve financing the 2017/18 Capital Programme of £720,000 by using £238,000 of New Homes Bonus funding,  £402,000 of Better Care Funding and £80,000 from the Budget Surplus Contingency Earmarked Reserve (as per paragraph 9.1 of the presented agenda report), subject to review by the s151 Officer of the £200,000 capital bid proposed for Affordable Housing;


(xiii)   to transfer £9,880 of its allocation of New Homes Bonus for 2017/18 to an Earmarked Reserve called ‘Community Investment Fund – Dartmoor National Park’, to be applied for and drawn down by Dartmoor National Park as required. This amount is a one-off payment and the position will be considered annually by the Council as part of the budget process. The condition is that this is for use within the boundaries of the Borough Council only;


(xiv)  that the Council Tax Support Grant paid to Town and Parish Councils be reduced by 8.6% for 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20. This equates to a payment of £70,841 for 2017/18;


(xv)   that the minimum level of the Unearmarked Revenue Reserves be maintained at £750,000 as per Section 10 of the presented agenda report;


(xvi)   that the level of reserves as set out within the presented agenda report and the assessment of their adequacy and the robustness of budget estimates be noted. This is a requirement of Part 2 of the Local Government Act 2003;


(xvii)  to freeze car parking charges for 2017/18 and that charges be reviewed by the Car Parking Strategy Group in 2018-19; and


(xviii)that an opt-in charged  garden waste service, as set out in Exempt Appendix F to the presented agenda report be adopted, with authority being delegated to the Group Manager Commercial Services, in consultation with the Waste Working Group, to present the detail to the Council meeting on 7 February 2017.



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