Agenda item

Housing Crisis Update Report



Members considered an update report on the Housing Crisis that was divided into four parts:


1.      The Joint Homelessness Strategy 2022/27;

2.    The proposed contribution to the purchase of Housing First properties;

3.    A Housing Project update; and

4.    The Executive response to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommendations arising from the meeting held on 4 November 2021 (Minute O&S.33/21 refers)


In discussion, reference was made to:


(a)   Some minor amendments to the report recommendation were PROPOSED and SECONDED as follows:


1.      Recommendation 1 – that the Strategy was for 2022-27; and

2.      Recommendation 8 – that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee beencouraged to establish a Task and Finish Group;


When put to the vote, these were both declared CARRIED;


(b)   Members were informed that a draft set of Terms of Reference for the proposed Task and Finish Group Review had been produced and sent to the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee who had agreed that they be included for consideration at the next Committee meeting (to be held on 16 December 2021);


(c)   It was noted that the Housing First properties were to be defined as ‘temporary accommodation’ thereby overcoming the Right to Buy legislation.


It was then:




Part 1 – Joint Homelessness Strategy 2022-27:


1.     That officers commence preparation of a new South Hams and West Devon Homeless Strategy for 2022-27;


2.     That the recommended approach be to focus on 4 specific client groups for the new Homelessness Strategy:


a.   Single households;

b.   Families;

c.   Households with additional needs; and

d.   Rough sleepers;


3.     That the proposed consultation approach, in addition to the adopted Consultation and Engagement Strategy, be approved;




Part 2 – Contribution to the Purchase of Housing First Properties


4.     That the purchase of 4 Housing First Properties from the Shires properties sale proceeds and the grant offered by Homes England be agreed;


5.     That agreement be made to spend the remaining balance of the sale proceeds of £386,000 (capital receipts) to purchase homes as provision to local families;


6.     That delegated authority be given to the Director of Place and Enterprise, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer and the Leader of Council, to take all necessary steps to purchase four Housing First properties together with additional family size accommodation in the form set out within the published agenda report;


Part 3 – Housing Project Update


7.     That the ambitions of the existing project pipeline be noted and it be acknowledged that further reports will be presented to the Executive in the future;


Part 4 – Executive Response to Overview & Scrutiny Committee Recommendations


8.     That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be encouraged to form a Task and Finish Group to: undertake a review of other local authorities that have successfully increased the delivery of affordable housing (directly and indirectly) within their boundaries and share best practice; and


9.     That the recommendations arising from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 4 November 2021 (Minute O&S.33/21 refers) be noted.


Supporting documents: