Agenda item

Public Transport in West Devon

Presentation by Cllr Andrea Davis and Mr Damien Jones (Devon County Council) and opportunity for Member questions


*O&S 24          

The Chairman introduced Cllr Andrea Davis (the Devon County Council (DCC) lead Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Environment and Transport); Mr Jamie Hulland (DCC Transportation Strategy and Road Safety Manager); and Mr Damien Jones (DCC Head of the Transport Co-Ordination Service) to respond to Member questions that were pertinent to Cllr Davis’ Cabinet areas of responsibility.


In so doing, particular reference was made to:


-        the local and regional significance of the start of the rail service from Okehampton.  A number of Members echoed the comments of Cllr Davis that the introduction of the rail service from Okehampton was a massive achievement.  In highlighting the importance of a phased approach to the Dartmoor Line project, it was hoped that the service could ultimately be extended to Tavistock and Cllr Davis wished to put on record her thanks to the Devon County Council local Ward Member for Tavistock, who had been instrumental in reaching this point in the project.  Furthermore, local Ward Members emphasised both the importance of the proposed railway station at Okehampton Parkway and that Station Road would not be able to cope with the additional vehicular movements that would be generated;

-        the need to discourage and reduce car usage.  The meeting recognised that buses were almost the forgotten mode of transport and yet remained an efficient method of mass transit.  The representatives advised the meeting that the County Council had submitted a copy of its proposed Bus Service Improvement Plan in response to the Central Government consultation on the National Bus Strategy (link to response: National Bus Strategy - Devon's Response - Travel Devon);

-        partnership working.  The achievements that had been made to date were largely attributed to the effective partnership working between stakeholders including: the County and Borough Councils, local MPs, Network Rail and Great Western Rail.  It was noted that, in line with the phased approach of the project, the continuation of such positive partnership working would be absolutely vital;

-        the bids that had been submitted to the Central Government Levelling Up Fund.  In reflecting the views from across the County, Cllr Davis and a number of Members expressed their disappointment that all of the bids that had been submitted to the Levelling Up Fund had been unsuccessful.  It was noted that a feedback meeting was to be held in the upcoming weeks and it was felt that this would be particularly useful to ascertain why each of the bids had proven to be unsuccessful;

-        the need for improved transport hubs throughout Devon were recognised by Members and officers alike.  In addition, there was an identified need for increased provision of secure bike storage at such hubs.  This was felt to be particularly pertinent when considering: the Climate Change and Biodiversity Emergency; the Health and Wellbeing benefits associated with cycling; and the trend for young people to cycle as opposed to learn to drive a car; 

-        the potential cycle route from Yelverton to Roborough.  Whilst there remained some challenging discussions to be held, the County Council representatives remained committed to ensuring that a cycle route was deliverable from Yelverton to Roborough.  When questioned, the representatives also confirmed that they would provide an update on the ability to fill the two gaps along the tarka trail cycle route outside of this Committee meeting.


Upon the conclusion of the agenda item, a number of Members wished to put on record their thanks to the DCC lead officers and Cabinet Member for providing such a promising and exciting update.  Furthermore, a number of the aspirations that had been set out during this agenda item would fulfil many of the Borough Council’s targets in relation to Climate Change, Health and Wellbeing and improved connectivity that were contained within the recently adopted ‘A Plan for West Devon’.