Agenda item

Planning Applications

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The Committee considered the details of the planning applications prepared by the Planning Case Officers as presented in the agenda papers, and considered also the comments of Town and Parish Councils, together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda reports, and RESOLVED that:


6a)    2828/20/FUL      Barby Lodge, Cleveland Drive, Bigbury on Sea, TQ7 4AY

Parish:  Bigbury


Development:   READVERTISEMENT Application for replacement dwelling


Case Officer Update:    Following questions raised at the site visit, the Case Officer confirmed the top floor rear windows were not cabriole windows, and that the neighbour’s drive would remain after building the new residence. The grass verge around the property was a common feature in the area and would be retained.  The ridge height would be increased but it was the officer’s view that the size of dwelling had increased without increasing the ridge height significantly.  


                        Following questions raised by Members at the Committee, the Case Officer confirmed that the underground garage had been measured and could accommodate one car, and that the condition on replacing the hedge could be altered to ensure the replacement hedge was of the same size as the current hedge.  It was also confirmed that a construction management plan could be requested if Members so wished.


Speakers included:       Objector – Mr J Munday; Supporter – Mr J Marshall; Parish Council – Cllr V Scott; Ward Member – Cllr B Taylor;


The Ward Member acknowledged that the bungalow was in need of renovation or rebuild but he felt that the design of this application impacted on the neighbours’ amenities and did not sit well within the street scene.


During the debate, one Member felt that many objections were based on the loss of neighbours’ views but that this was not a material planning consideration.  However, other Members felt that the moving the proposed building back deeper into the site resulted in overdevelopment of the site.  They also felt that the proposed building impacted on neighbouring amenities and considerably altered the street scene with the large, raised patio to the front and side.


Reasons for refusal:    1.   The proposal, by virtue of its new position on the site, creates a negative impact on neighbouring properties to the north, west, and east in terms of overlooking and the perception of overlooking; being dominant and overbearing; and causing a loss of outlook contrary to policy DEV1 of the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan and policy BP7 of the Bigbury Neighbourhood Plan and para. 127 of the NPPF 2019


2.  The scale and massing of the proposed dwelling would have a negative impact on the street scene and, as such, be out of character with the area contrary to policy DEV20 in the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan and policy BP7 of the Bigbury Neighbourhood Plan as well as para. 127 of the NPPF 2019.


Recommendation:       Conditional approval


Committee decision:  Refusal – with the wording of the reasons being delegated to the Head of Development Management, in consultation with the Committee Chairman, proposer, seconder and the local Ward Member.



Supporting documents: