Agenda item

Planning Applications

To see Letters of Representation and further supplementary information relating to any of the Applications on the agenda, please select the following link and enter the relevant Planning Reference number:




The Committee considered the details of the planning applications prepared by the Planning Case Officers as presented in the agenda papers, and considered also the comments of Town and Parish Councils, together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda reports, and RESOLVED that:


6a)    3842/20/OPA    “Land at SX 783 624”, Broom Park, Dartington


Parish:  Dartington


Development:   Outline application with all matters reserved, except for access, for up to 80no. residential units and associated public open space and infrastructure


Case Officer Update:                          

The Case Officer updated Members of a consultation response from Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust who were seeking financial contribution to mitigate the impact of the funding gap between residents occupying new dwellings and the Trust’s annually agreed contract based on previous year’s activity plus any pre-agreed additional activity for clinical services.  The officer advised that such a contribution would not meet the Regulation 122 test of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010


Speakers included:       Objector – Ms H Wyatt; Supporter – Mr G Hutton; Parish Council – Cllr T Turrell; Ward Member – Cllr J Hodgson;


During discussions, it was clarified that Condition 4 would be altered to confirm that the attenuation pond would not be fixed by the parameter plan and could be moved if necessary as part of the reserved matters.  The Ward Member opposed this application with particular reference to the ecology.


Recommendation:      Delegate approval to Head of Development Management, in conjunction with the Chairman and Ward Member to conditionally grant outline planning permission, subject to a Section 106 legal obligation for the items as set out in the attendant report.


Committee decision:     Conditional approval



1.    Submission of reserved matters.

2.    Reserved matters to be submitted within 3 years.

3.    Commencement of development within 2 years following approval of last of the reserved matters.

4.    Reserved matters to accord with Parameter Plan, other than the attenuation pond.

5.    Access to be constructed in accordance with approved plan.

6.    Main access to be constructed prior to other works commencing.

7.    Off-site highway works to be constructed prior to occupation.

8.    Construction Management Plan.

9.    Estate roads condition (full details minus street lighting).

10. Internal roads to be provided prior to occupation.

11. Waste audit statement.

12. Remediation strategy.

13. Unexpected contamination.

14. Archaeology.

15. Electric vehicle charging points.

16. Low carbon development in accordance with DEV32.

17. Open market housing mix.

18. Surface Water drainage details     



6b)    3841/20/OPA    “Land at Sawmills, North of A385, Dartington


Parish:  Dartington


Development:   Outline application with all matters reserved, except for access, for up to 40no. residential units and associated public open space and infrastructure


Case Officer Update:                          

The Case Officer updated Members of a consultation response from Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust who were seeking financial contribution to mitigate the impact of the funding gap between residents occupying new dwellings and the Trust’s annually agreed contract based on previous years activity plus any pre-agreed additional activity for clinical services.  The officer advised that such a contribution would not meet the Regulation 122 test of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010


Speakers included:       Objector – Mr J Day; Supporter – Mr G Hutton; Parish Council – Cllr A Morley; Ward Member – Cllr J Hodgson.


                        During the discussion, the Ward Member opposed this application with particular reference to the ecology.


Recommendation:      Delegate approval to Head of Development Management, in conjunction with Chairman and Ward Member to conditionally grant outline planning permission, subject to a Section 106 legal obligation for the items as set out in the attendant report.


Committee decision:  Conditional approval



1. Submission of reserved matters.

2. Reserved matters to be submitted within 3 years.

3. Commencement of development within 2 years following approval of last of the reserved matters.

4. Reserved matters to accord with Parameter Plan.

5. Access to be constructed in accordance with approved plan.

6. Main access to be constructed prior to other works commencing.

7. Off-site highway works to be constructed prior to occupation.

8. Construction Management Plan.

9. Estate roads condition (full details minus street lighting).

10. Internal roads to be provided prior to occupation.

11. Waste audit statement.

12. Remediation strategy.

13. Unexpected contamination.

14. Archaeology.

15. Electric vehicle charging points.

16. Low carbon development in accordance with DEV32.

17. Open market housing mix.

18. Surface Water drainage details



6c)    0385/21/HHO    Lealholme, Allenhayes Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HU


Parish:  Salcombe


Development:   Householder application for alterations to roof including dormers (resubmission of 3504/20/HHO)


Case Officer Update:   No update


Speakers included:       Objector – Mr M Alexander; Supporter – Ms K Metcalfe; Parish Council – Cllr M Fice; Ward Members – Cllrs M Long and J Pearce;


Ward Members:            The Ward Members outlined the important contribution to Salcombe made by this particular dwelling, which was rumoured to be linked to the Murch family, thereby increasing the heritage value of the property and its design.  The fully hipped roof was typically Edwardian and enhanced the perception of space between the neighbouring properties.  Massing and bulk would be contrary to the Conservation Area plan.


Debate:                       During the debate, several Members agreed with the views of the local Ward Members in that the proposed changes would be detrimental to the Conservation Area and would impact greatly on the appearance of the streetscene.  Some Members felt that it would be a shame to lose such an iconic Edwardian building, with the proposed changes impacting adversely on the scale, design, and character of the building and street.



Recommendation:      Conditional approval


Committee decision:  Refusal


Reasons for refusal:     Proposed development by reasons on scale, massing, and design is against conservation area, which does not enhance nor preserve beauty of area.  SP11, Dev20, Dev 21, Sal NP Salc B1, NPPF potentially too.

                        Loss of Edwardian property (Dev21)



6d)  2151/20/FUL          “Land at SX 772 562”, Englebourne Woods, Harberton, Totnes, TQ9 7SS


Parish:  Harberton


Development:   Retrospective application to widen, upgrade and link forestry track


Case Officer Update:   None


Speakers included:       Supporter – Mr C Marrow; Ward Member – Cllr J McKay;



Recommendation:      Conditional approval


Committee decision:  Conditional approval



Approved plans

Forestry Commission Management Plan

Surface treatment.



Supporting documents: