Agenda item

Planning Applications

To see Letters of Representation and further supplementary information relating to any of the Applications on the agenda, please select the following link and enter the relevant Planning Reference number:




The Committee considered the details of the planning applications prepared by the Planning Case Officers as presented in the agenda papers, and considered also the comments of Town and Parish Councils, together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda reports, and RESOLVED that:


6a)    0227/20/FUL     Bantham Estate Yard, Bantham


Parish:  Thurlestone


Development:   Erection of new Estate & Harbour Office; and granting of temporary 18 month consent for continued use of land for siting of portacabins and associated parking of vehicles for use as temporary estate office


Case Officer Update:                          

The Case Officer’s report outlined one letter of support, but since writing the report, the Council had received a second.  There had also been a representation received from Thurlestone Parish Council.  The Parish Council had read the supporting comments from the Applicant’s Agent which stated that the Parish Council supported the application.  However, the Parish Council wished to clarify that, whilst they accepted the need for a new Estate Office near the centre of operations, they had not said that a new building would be of benefit, nor that the Parish Councillors site visit was also from the Coronation Boathouse, and the Parish Council had not said the views were better from the proposed location.  However, the Parish Council did agree that the Boathouse was not a practical alternative due to the potential for flooding of the ground floor.  The Case Officer confirmed that she had also received five late Letters of Representation in objection, however no new matters were raised.  It was confirmed that a planning application had been received by the Council for the Boathouse to become a restaurant. 


Speakers included:       Objector – Ms G Stone; Supporter – Mr R Hooper; Ward Members – Cllr J Pearce and Cllr M Long;


Recommendation:      Conditional approval


Committee decision:  Conditional approval



1.  Standard three year time limit for commencement of development

2.  Temporary permission for portacabins

3.  Removal of portacabins

4.  Development to be carried out in accordance with approved drawings

5.  Office use only

6.  Landscape proposals

7.  Adherence to biodiversity mitigation and enhancement measures

8.  Details of and restriction on external lighting

9.  Samples of materials

10. DEV32 compliance

11. EVCP details

12. CMP

13. Construction hours

14. Foul drainage

15. Surface water drainage

16. Trees

17. WSI

Pre-commencement conditions agreed 15th February 2021



6b)    2873/20/FUL     Rainbow View, Parkers Way, Totnes, TQ9 5UF


Town:  Totnes


Development:   Additional storeys to existing building to create 5 new duplex units


Case Officer Update:   no update 


Speakers included:       Supporter – Mr I Walmsley; Parish Council – Cllr G Allen; Ward Members – Cllrs J Birch & J Sweet


Recommendation:      Conditional approval – subject to the submission of a detailed plan indicating the position of the photovoltaic panels.


Committee decision:  Conditional approval – subject to the submission of a detailed plan indicating the position of the photovoltaic panels.


Conditions:  (List not in full)

1. Time limit

2. Accord with plans

3. Samples of materials

4. Biodiversity enhancements

5. Adherence to ecology report

6. Unexpected contamination

  7. No external lighting, with lux level no more than 0.5 lux in the areas where there is wildlife present to be submitted and agreed by the LPA prior to occupation of the flats hereby approved.

8. Protection of trees along northern boundary.

9. Enhanced landscaping along rear boundary hedge

10. The EV charging points identified on plan shall be installed and made available for use prior to the occupation.



6c)    4039/18/FUL     Land at SX 776 416, Winslade Farm, Frogmore


Parish:  Frogmore & Sherford


Development:   Change of use of part of field to provide extended external farm manure store, along with associated engineering operations (Resubmission of 0147/18/FUL)


Case Officer Update:   no update 


Speakers included:       Objector – Mr A Smith; Ward Member – Cllr R Foss;


Recommendation:      Conditional approval


Committee decision:  Conditional approval



1. Time

2. In accordance with plans

3. Details of perimeter fencing

4. EA notification

5. Odour management plan

6. Landscaping

Key issues for consideration:  Principle, landscape, pollution



6d)    2274/19/FUL     Coombe Park, Ashprington, TQ9 7DY


Parish:  Ashprington


Development:   Refurbishments and extension of existing office/studio/workshop building with the construction of new two-storey office/studio/workshop building and associated additional parking and service provision


Case Officer Update:                          

Case officer confirmed that the Council had received an updated plan showing the location of the air source heat pumps and the Solar PV panels.


Speakers included:       Supporter – Mr J English; Ward Member – Cllr J McKay;


Recommendation:      Refusal


During the debate, several Members outlined support for this application because the expansion of this site was, in their opinion, sustainable, close to Totnes, there was a proven need for more of the small sized units already at the site, and the new building would help build a resilient, green economy with environment and biodiversity gains in the South Hams District.


Committee decision:  Conditional approval



As outlined below with delegated approval to Head of Practice, Chair, Vice Chair, Proposer, and Seconder:


1. Time

2 .In accordance with plans

3. Use class E g (i) (ii) (iiI), B2 and B8 only

4. Maximum unit size

5. Materials

6. Landscaping (hard and soft)

7. In accordance with tree protection

8. Lighting strategy

9. Noise levels

10. LEMP

11.In accordance with energy statement

12.Details ASHP

13.Travel plan


15.EV charging point


Supporting documents: